212103 |
Devin L. White |
Teacher of the Nations |
2017 | •• |
212102 |
Aronson T. |
The Golden Bees: The story of the Bonapartes |
2020 | •• |
212101 |
Gaetano Negri |
A era de Juliano; Paganismo e cristianismo no Império Romano |
2021 | •• |
212100 |
Hanni Mittelmann, Armin A. Wallas |
Österreich-Konzeptionen und jüdisches Selbstverständnis |
2001 | •• |
212099 |
Émile Durkheim |
Fato Social e Divisão do Trabalho |
2011 | •• |
212098 |
David K. Fieldhouse |
The Colonial Empires: A Comparative Survey from the Eighteenth Century |
1982 | •• |
212097 |
Leandro Narloch |
Guia politicamente incorreto da História do Brasil |
2011 | •• |
212096 |
Terry Sullivan |
Killer Clown Profile: Retrato de um Assassino |
2022 | •• |
212095 |
John Piper |
Guia de Estudo - Os Pilares da Fé |
2012 | •• |
212094 |
David K. Fieldhouse |
Unilever Overseas: The Anatomy of a Multinational, 1895-1965 |
1978 | •• |
212093 |
David K. Fieldhouse |
The West and the Third World: Trade, Colonialism, Dependence and Development |
1999 | •• |
212092 |
Haase Wolfgang |
Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt : Geschichteu. Kultur Roms im Spiegel |
1981 | •• |
212091 |
Thomas Piketty |
A economia da desigualdade |
2015 | •• |
212090 |
Alexander Schüller |
Namensmythologie |
2017 | •• |
212089 |
John Van Maaren |
The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE |
2022 | •• |
212088 |
Émile Durkheim |
Fato social e divisão do trabalho |
2011 | •• |
212087 |
Eliana Bittencourt Dumêt, Roberto Shinyashiki |
Amar pode dar certo |
1988 | •• |
212086 |
Max J. Okenfuss |
The Rise and Fall of Latin Humanism in Early-Modern Russia: Pagan Authors, Ukrainians, and the Resiliency of Muscovy |
1995 | •• |
212085 |
James Starr, Troels Engberg-Pedersen |
Early Christian Paraenesis in Context |
2004 | •• |
212084 |
Divaldo Pereira Franco |
Amor, imbatível amor |
1999 | •• |
212083 |
Chesterton G.K. |
Hereges |
n/a • | •• |
212082 |
David Brooks |
A Estrada para o Caráter |
2019 | •• |
212081 |
Heiko Wojtkowiak |
Tradition und Redaktion im Matthäusevangelium |
2021 | •• |
212080 |
Kirsten Marie Hartvigsen |
Prepare the Way of the Lord Towards a Cognitive Poetic Analysis of Audience Involvement with Characters and Events in the Markan World |
2012 | •• |
212079 |
Marcos Nobre |
Limits of Democracy From the June 2013 Uprisings in Brazil to the Bolsonaro Government |
2022 | •• |
212078 |
Daniel T. Willingham |
Outsmart Your Brain: Why Learning is Hard and How You Can Make It Easy |
2023 | •• |
212077 |
Emerson Ralph Waldo |
Natureza - A Biblia do Naturalismo |
2014 | •• |
212076 |
Alexander Schüller |
Namensmythologie |
2017 | •• |
212075 |
Michal Beth Dinkler |
Silent StatementsNarrative Representations of Speech and Silence in the Gospel of Luke |
2013 | •• |
212074 |
Demétrio Magnoli |
A vida louca dos revolucionários |
2013 | •• |
212073 |
Sophie Desplancques |
Egito Antigo |
2013 | •• |
212072 |
Rolando Damiani |
Barbarie e civiltà nella concezione di Leopardi |
2022 | •• |
212071 |
Godela Weiss-Sussex |
Jüdin und Moderne Literarisierungen der Lebenswelt deutsch-jüdischer Autorinnen in Berlin (1900–1918) |
2022 | •• |
212070 |
Isabel Ashdown |
Ijskoud |
2022 | •• |
212069 |
John G. D’Angelo |
Synthetic Organic Chemistry and the Nobel Prize Volume 1 |
2013 | •• |
212068 |
×åñíîêîâà Í.Þ., Ïðèõîäüêî Þ.Â., Êàëåíèê Ò.Ê. |
Àíòîöèàíû â ïèùåâûõ òåõíîëîãèÿõ è áèîòåõíîëîãèÿõ : ìîíîãðàôèÿ |
2021 | •• |
212067 |
Hans Otto Horch, Hanni Mittelmann, Hanni Mittelmann |
Exilerfahrung und Konstruktionen von Identität 1933 bis 1945 |
2013 | •• |
212066 |
Gitte Buch-Hansen |
It is the Spirit that Gives Life |
2010 | •• |
212065 |
Rachel Hellberger |
Aron Freimann und die Wissenschaft des Judentums |
2004 | •• |
212064 |
Tor Vegge |
Paulus und das antike Schulwesen |
2006 | •• |
212063 |
Tor Vegge |
Paulus und das antike Schulwesen Schule und Bildung des Paulus |
2005 | •• |
212062 |
Los hombres no son islas |
2023 | •• |
212061 |
Carmen Reichert, Bettina Bannasch, Alfred Wildfeuer |
Zukunft der Sprache – Zukunft der Nation? |
2022 | •• |
212060 |
Michaela Engelmann |
Unzertrennliche Drillinge? Motivsemantische Untersuchungen zum literarischen Verhältnis der Pastoralbriefe |
2012 | •• |
212059 |
Katia Mecler |
Psicopatas do cotidiano: como reconhecer, como conviver, como se proteger |
2015 | •• |
212058 |
Miriam Leitão |
A democracia na armadilha |
2021 • | •• |
212057 |
Nouriel Roubini |
A economia das crises |
2010 | •• |
212056 |
Kadomoto T. |
Meu livro da consciência |
2017 | •• |
212055 |
Justo L. González |
Cultura & Evangelho Digitalizado por: jolosa O lugar da cultura no plano de Deus |
2011 | •• |
212054 |
James R. Hurford, Brendan Heasley, Michael B. Smith |
Semantics: a coursebook |
2007 • | •• |