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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
56091 Carton R.B., Hofer C.W. Measuring Organizational Performance 2006
56090 Kojima F., Takagi T., Udpa S.S. Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation 2002
56089 Sherer J.M. Semiconductor Industry: Wafer Fab Exhaust Management 2005
56088 Ceccarelli M. Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science: Their Contributions and Legacies 2007
56087 Ghanem R.G., Spanos P.D. Stochastic Finite Elements: A Spectral Approach 2003
56086 Vargas R.V. Practical Guide to Project Planning 2008
56085 Wiak P.S. Compel (Vol. 23, 2004) 2004
56084 Carpinelli G., Testa A. Compel (Vol. 23, 2004): Special Issue 2004
56083 Pareek D. Business Intelligence for Telecommunications 2007
56082 Ohmi T. Scientific Wet Process Technology for Innovative LSI/FPD Manufacturing 2006
56081 Stiglitz J.E., Holzmann R. New Ideas about Old Age Security: Toward Sustainable Pension Systems in the 21st Century 2001
56080 Remley J. Real Estate Presentations That Make Millions 2007
56079 Maynard J. Internal Combustion: The Story of a Marriage and a Murder in the Motor City 2006
56078 Carr J. Microwave & Wireless Communications Technology 1996
56077 Worthington J. Reinventing the Workplace 2006
56076 Carr J. Practical Radio Frequency Test and Measurement 2002
56075 Watkinson J. Art of the Helicopter 2004
56074 Poole I. Newnes Guide to Radio and Communications Technology 2003
56073 Salmon D., Powdrill P. Mechanical Engineering: Level 2 NVQ 2002
56072 Bishop O. Understand Electronics 2001
56071 Garside J. Make It! The Engineering Manufacturing Solution 1999
56070 Williams T., Armstrong K. EMC For Systems And Installations 2000
56069 Tricker R., Tricker S. Environmental Requirements For Electromechanical And Electrical Equipment 1999
56068 Davies T. Protection Of Industrial Power Systems 2006
56067 Johnson J., Picton P. Mechatronics Volume 2: Concepts in Artifical Intelligence 2001
56066 von Kroge H. Gema: Birthplace of German Radar and Sonar 2000
56065 Cooke A.K., Fitzpatrick E. Helicopter Test And Evaluationgnt 2002
56064 Schubert E.F. Light-Emitting Diodes 2006
56063 Ganesan S., Pecht M.G. Lead-Free Electronics 2006
56062 Ventura J. The Credit Repair Handbook 2007
56061 de Silva C.W. (Editor) Computer Techniques in Vibration 2007
56060 Molinski M. Small Business in Paradise: Working for Yourself in a Place You Love 2007
56059 Tooley M. Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems: Principles, Operation and Maintenance 2007
56058 Trundle E. Newnes TV and Video Engineer's Pocket Book 1999
56057 Blundell M., Harty D. The Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics 2004
56056 Gupton, Jr G.W. HVAC Controls Operation & Maintenance 2002
56055 Jones E.C., Chung C.A. RFID in Logistics: A Practical Introduction 2008
56054 Crowson R. (ed.) Assembly Processes: Finishing, Packaging, and Automation 2006
56053 Deb A.K. Powerline Ampacity System: Theory, Modeling and Applications 2000
56052 Funkenbusch P.D. Practical Guide to Designed Experiments 2004
56051 Lacombe R. Adhesion Measurement Methods: Theory and Practice 2005
56050 McBrearty D. Electronics Calculations Data Handbook 1998
56049 Evans A. Poverty Reduction in the 1990s: An Evaluation of Strategy and Performance 2000
56048 Vlacic L. (ed.), Parent M. (ed.), Harashima F. (ed.) Intelligent Vehicle Technologies: Theory and Applications 2001
56047 Berman J. Maximizing Project Value 2007
56046 Edwards K.W. Your Successful Real Estate Career 2007
56045 Kahle L.R. (ed.), Kim C. (ed.) Creating Images and the Psychology of Marketing Communication 2006
56044 Bass B.M., Riggio R.E. Transformational Leadership 2006
56043 Hirsch C. Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows 2007
56042 Williams T. EMC for Product Designers 2007

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