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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
43592 Novikov S.Y. A-Systems, Independent Functions, and Sets Bounded in Spaces of Measurable Functions 2003
21708 Novikov V. Concise Dictionary of Materials Science 2002
6732 Novikov V.A., Okun L.B., Shifman M.A. Charmonium and gluons 1978
6734 Novikov V.A., Shifman M.A., Vainstein A.I. Two dimensional sigma-models: modelling non-perturbative effects in quantum chromodynamics 1984
214644 Novinsky A. Os judeus que construíram o Brasil 2015
191844 Novotna J., Moraova H., Kratka M. Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Volume 1 2006
192202 Novotna J., Moraova H., Kratka M. Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Volume 5 2006
152266 Novotna J., Moraova H., Kratka M. Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Volume 2 2006
147367 Novotna J., Moraova H. Proceedings of the 30-th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Volume 3 2006
165118 Novotna J., Moraova H., Kratka M. Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Volume 4 2006
150924 Novotny A., Straskraba I. Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Compressible Flow (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications, 27) 2004
140031 Novotny M., Ishii D. Microcolumn Separations: Columns, Instrumentation and Ancillary Techniques 1985
41821 Novruzi A. C1 error estimation on the boundary for an exterior Neumann problem in 2000
57787 Nowak A. Power Speaking: The Art of the Exceptional Public Speaker 2004
33058 Nowak A.S. (ed.), Szajowski K. (ed.) Advances in Dynamic Games: Applications to Economics, Finance, Optimization, and Stochastic Control 2004
167901 Nowak D., Hermsdofer J. Sensorimotor Control of Grasping: Physiology and Pathophysiology 2009
160361 Nowak I. Relaxation and Decomposition Methods for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming 2005
178094 Nowak I. Relaxation and Decomposition Methods for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (International Series of Numerical Mathematics) 2005
136924 Nowak P. Sex, Bombs and Burgers: How War, Porn and Fast Food Shaped Technology As We Know It 2010
176021 Nowakowski R. Games of no chance 1998
957 Nowakowski R.J. Games of No Chance 1998
979 Nowakowski R.J. More games of no chance 2002
79896 Nowell-Smith G. The Oxford History of World Cinema 1996
174053 Nowicki S. Biology. The Science of Life. Part 1 2004
16573 Nowotny A. Basic Exercises in Immunochemistry 1979
20106 Nowotny E. Der offentlische Sektor 1996
77682 Nowotny H. Insatiable Curiosity: Innovation in a Fragile Future (Inside Technology) 2008
59448 Nowotny J. Science of Ceramic Interfaces II 1994
54698 Noy A. (ed.) Handbook of Molecular Force Spectroscopy 2008
50578 Noy E.A., Douglas J. Building Surveys and Reports 2005
133204 Noyan Kinayman, Aksun M. I. Modern Microwave Circuits (Artech House Microwave Library) 2005
188846 Noye B. Computational Techniques for Differential Equations (Mathematics Studies) 1984
180405 Noye J., Grzechnik M. Sea-Level Change (Studies in Geophysics: A Series) 2001
76359 Noye J. Numerical modelling: applications to marine systems 1987
74690 Noye J. Computational Techniques for Differential Equations 1983
84128 Noye J., Grzechnik M. (ed.) Sea-level changes and their effects 2001
159527 Noyes A. Rethinking School Mathematics 2007
41760 Noyes A.A., Beckman A.O. A Periodic Table of the Structure of Atoms and Its Relation to Ion-Formation and Valence 1927
44287 Noyes A.A., MacInnes B.A. The Ionization and Activity of Largely Ionized Substances 1920
44388 Noyes A.A., Wilson H.A. The Thermal Ionization of Gaseous Elements at High Temperatures A Confirmation of the Saha Theory 1922
11584 Noyes B. Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart Client Data Applications with .NET 2006
21877 Noyes B. Smart Client Deployment with ClickOnce: Deploying Windows Forms Applications with ClickOnce 2007
177840 Noyes B. Part I: Building an ASP.NET Page n/a
143058 Noyes B. Computational Techniques for Differential Equations (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) 1984
130291 Noyes B. Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart Client Data Applications with .NET 2006
129306 Noyes R. Nuclear Waste Cleanup Technologies and Opportunities 1995
185247 Noyes R. Nuclear Waste Cleanup Technology and Opportunities 1995
189957 Noyes W., Hammond G., Pitts J. Advances in Photochemistry. Volume 4 1966
168781 Noyes W., Hammond G., Pitts J. Advances in Photochemistry. Volume 3 1964
149299 Noyes W., Hammond G., Pitts J. Advances in Photochemistry.Volume 1. 1963

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