Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Cohen, Daniel I.A.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Gardner M. — Wheels, life, and other mathematical amusements | 99 | Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction | 45, 46, 311, 312 | Purdom R.W., Brown C.A. — The analysis of algorithms | 46, 101, 130, 147, 221, 308, 351, 497 | Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction | 42, 304, 305 | Grimaldi R.P. — Student Solutions Manual for Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | 42, 304, 305 |