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Поиск книг, содержащих: Microsoft SQL Server
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Мак Клар С., Шах С., Шах Ш. — Хакинг в Web: атаки и защита | 59, 70, 72, 247 | Wenz Ch. — PHP Phrasebook | [See MSSQL] | Mathers T.W. — Windows® Server™ 2003/2000 terminal server solutions | | Deitel H.M. — Visual C# How to Program | | Bowman R. — Visual Basic.Net: Your Visual Blueprint for Building Versatile Programs on the .NET Framework | 3 | Biafore B. — Visio 2007 Bible | 203—205 | Fehily C. — SQL (Visual QuickStart Guide) | [See IBM DB2] | Kline K.E. — SQL in a Nutshell | | Hilyard J., Teilhet S. — C# Cookbook | | Blanchette J., Summerfield M. — C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 | | Blanchette J., Summerfield M. — C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 | | Лебедев А.Н. — Самоучитель по Visual FoxPro 9.0 | 9, 40, 53, 305 | Rob P., Coronel C. — Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management | 226, 441 | Duffy J. — Concurrent Programming on Windows | 433 |