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Поиск книг, содержащих: Hartree — Fock theory
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Anderson P.W. — Basic notions of condensed matter physics | | Helgaker T., Jorgensen P., Olsen J. — Molecular Electronic-Structure Theory. Part 2 | 433 | Harrison W.A. — Elementary electronic structure | 5, 327 (see also “Term values”) | Bethe H.A., Jackiw R. — Intermediate Quantum Mechanics | 55 | Fetter A.L., Walecka J.D. — Quantum theory of many-particle systems | 121—127, 167p, 168p, 399, 475p, 504—508, 575 | Brout R., Carruthers P. — Lectures on the many-electron problem (Interscience monographs and texts in physics and astronomy) | 75, 93, 136 | Fetter A.L., Walecka J.D. — Quantum theory of many-particle systems | 121—127, 167p, 168p, 399, 475p, 504—508, 575 |