Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Bergson, Henri
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Leff H.S., Rex A.F. — Maxwell's Demon 2: Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing | 403 | Chaisson E.J. — Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity in Nature | 34 | Kasner E., Newman J. — Mathematics and the Imagination | 65, 108 | Poincare H. — Mathematics and Science: Last Essays | 18 | Rosenfeld B.A. (Author), Shenitzer A. (Translator), Grant H. (Assistant) — A history of non-Euclidean geometry: evolution of the concept of a geometric space | 205 | Copi I.M., Cohen C. — Introduction to logic | 124 | Kasner E., Newman J. — Mathematics and the imagination | 65, 108 | Davies P. — The Cosmic Blueprint | 21, 109, 140—141 | Tipler F.J. — The Physics of Immortality | 9 |