Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Bounded interval
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Taylor J.C. — An Introduction to Measure and Probability | 4 | Goswami J.C., Chan A.K. — Fundamentals of Wavelets : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 280 | Hu S.-T. — Elements of real analysis | 47 | Williamson J.H. — Lebesgue Integration | 8 | Goswami J., Chan A. — Fundamentals of Wavelets. Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 280 | Hewitt E., Stromberg K. — Real and abstract analysis: a modern treatment of the theory of functions of a real variable | 54 | D'Angelo J.P., West D.B. — Mathematical thinking: problem-solving and proofs | 302—303, 313, 335 |