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Поиск книг, содержащих: Geminus
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cuomo S. — Ancient Mathematics | 201—202 | Fowler D.H. — Mathematics of Plato's Academy: A New Reconstruction | 107, 122 | Fink K. — A brief history of mathematics | 211 | Heath Th.L. — Diophantus of Alexandria. A Study in the History of Greek Algebra | 4 | Heath T.L. (ed.) — Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, Vol. 3 | I. 21, 27—28, 37, 44, 45, 133n., 203, 265, 330 | Heath T. — A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2 | 119, ii. 222—234 |