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Поиск книг, содержащих: Fully indecomposable matrix
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bapat R.B., Raghavan T.E., Rota G.C. (Ed) — Nonnegative Matrices and Applications | 66 | Brualdi R.A., Ryser H.J. — Combinatorial Matrix Theory | 110—118,119, 124, 228—233, 296—297, 299, 303 | Berman A. — Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences | 56 | Minc H. — Nonnegative Matrices | 82, 99 | Bapat R.B., Raghavan T.E.S. — Nonnegative Matrices and Applications | 66 | van Lint J.H., Wilson R.M. — Course in Combinatorics | 92 | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1) | 5 | Young D.M., Gregory R.T. — A Survey of Numerical Mathematics, Volume 2 | 816 | Berman A., Plemmons R.J. — Nonnegative matrices in the mathematical sciences | 56 |