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Поиск книг, содержащих: Operator ideal
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cigler J., Losert V., Michor P. — Banach Modules and Functors on Categories of Banach Spaces | 184 | Appell J.M., Kalitvin A.S., Zabrejko P.P. — Partial Integral Operators and Integro-Differential Equations | 37, 62, 98, 224, 268 | Gracia-Bondia J.M., Varilly J.C., Figueroa H. — Elements of Noncommutative Geometry | 311, 313 | Abramovich Y.A., Aliprantis C.D. — An Invitation to Operator Theory | 472 | Bornemann F. — Homogenization in Time of Singularly Perturbed Mechanical Systems (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1687) | 118 | Dineen S. — Complex Analysis of Infinite Dimensional Spaces | 136, 242 | Abramovich Y., Aliprantis C. — An Invitation to Operator Theory (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 50) | 472 |