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Поиск книг, содержащих: Darboux property
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Kharazishvili A.B. — Strange functions in real analysis | | Goffman C., Nishiura T., Waterman D. — Homeomorphisms in Analysis | 41, 56 | Sahoo P.K., Riedel T. — Mean Value Theorems and Functional Equations | 191 | Kuczma M., Choczewski B., Ger R. — Iterative Functional Equations | 465—467, 470, 471 | Aczel J., Dhombres J. — Functional equations in several variables with applications to mathematics, information theory and to the natural and social sciences | 128 | Kuratowski K. — Topology. Volume II | 128 | Hartman S., Mikusinski J. — The theory of Lebesgue measure and integration | 83 | Kuratowski K. — Introduction To Set Theory & Topology | 200 | Bichteler K. — Integration Theory | 24.12 |