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Kuratowski K. — Topology. Volume II |
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-property 83
space 346
-dimensional degree of a space 105
-th cohomotopy group 480
ech — Stone compactification 19
ura — Bura, M. 169 172
-problem of Urysohn 152
-measurable mapping 75
ech, E. viii 9 17 19 289 415 439 554
anin, N. 38 40
-curve 328
-chain 224
Abelian group 385
Absolute neighbourhood retract (ANR) 333 339
Absolute neighbourhood retract (ANR) at a point 345
Absolute retract (AR) 332 339
Accessible point 175
Acyclic elements 324
Aitchison, B. 289
Akasaki, T. 358
Albert, G. E. 307
Alexander lemma 4
Alexander, J. W. 17 346 495 535 550
Alexandrov, P. S. 1 3 30 36 43 65 68 110 115 123 165 206 218 306 348 354 357 371 373 392 415 424 466 472 543 558 559 585 588 590 594
Altman, M. 479
Anderson, R. D. 111 116 202 225
ANR 333
Antoine, L. 535 539
ar 332
ARC 179
Arc, polygonal 461
Archangielskii, A. 65 83 88
Arens, R. 76 80 96
Aronszajn, N. 250 254 340
Artin, E. 535
Ayres, W. L. 296 303 307 320 328 374
Bacon, Ph 478
Baire, R. 9 71
Balanchandran, Y. K. 22
Banach, S. 50
Bank of a group 391
Barret, L. K. 224
Base of 45
Base of a family 443
Basis mod 394
Basis of a group 392
Beer, G. 291
Begle, E. G. 340 359
Behnke, H. 570
Bennetli, R. 226
Berge, C. viii 57 306
Betliel, E. L. 206
Betti 409
Bicompactness 1
Biconnected space 135
Bing, R. H. vii 177 180 224 225 240 306 539 553
Birkhoff, G. 32
Birkhoff, G. D. 209 344
Blankinship, W. A. 535
Boltianskii, V. 125
Bolzano 3
Bolzano — Weierstrass condition 3
Boolean ring 33
Borel condition 1
Borel — Lebesgue condition 1
Borel, E. 1
Borsuk — Ulam theorem 477
Borsuk, K. viii 32 119 186 234 307 339—342 344 345 352 358 359 365 368 370 371 373 375 377 378 439 441 466 470 473 474 478 480 484 489 492 495 497 556
Bothe, H. G. 345
Boundary 73
Bourbaki, N. 17 129
Bourgin, D. G. 477—479
Branching point 302
Brandt, H. 481
Brouwer, L. E. J. 54 111 182 204 208 441 443 506
Brown, R. 86 88
Bruschlinsky, N. 409 550
Burgess, C. E. 224 225
Burgess, D. C. J. viii
Busacker, R. G. viii 306
c.o. (compact open) topology 75 76
c.r. -space 434
Cantor condition 2 3
Cantor discontinuum 148
Cantor discontinuum, generalized 148
Cantor manifold 165
Cantor, G. 2 167
Cartan, H. 570
Cartwright, D. viii
Chain 224
Characteristic measure of a quasicomponent of a space 450
Characteristic, Euler — Poincar 417
Chevalley, C. 17
Claytor, C. 307
Closed domain 195
Cohen, H. J. 225
Cohomotopic multiplication 479
Commutative group 385
Compact topological space 1
Compactification, ech — Stone 19
Compactification, maximal 20
Complementary oscillatory set 200
Complete irreducible separator 154
Completely arcwise connected set 307
Component of a space 139
Composant of a point 208
Condensation continuum 247
Condition, Bolzano — Weierstrass 3
Condition, Borel 1
Condition, Borel — Lebesgue 1
Condition, Cantor 2 3
Condition, D 99
Condition, Heine — Borel 1
Condition, Riesz 2
Connected set 127
Connected space 127
Constituant of a point 188
Continuous decomposition of a space 67
Continuum 167
Continuum, at most -coherent 328
Continuum, condensation 247
Continuum, convergence 245
Continuum, elementary 488 523
Continuum, hereditarily indecomposable 206
Continuum, hereditarily locally connected (h.l.c.) 268
Continuum, indecomposable 204
Continuum, Knaster 224
Continuum, nowhere dense 247
Continuum, Peano 252
Continuum, snake-like 224
Contractibility of a space 37
Convergence continuum 245
Converse of the Jordan theorem 518
Cook, H. 208
Corson, H. H. 22
Countably compact topological space 1
Cover generating a family 443 602
Cover, essentially infinite 4
Cronin, J. 498
Cs sz r, A. 79
Curtis, M. L. 359
Curve 275
Curve, 328
Curve, polygonal 305—306
Curve, Sierpi ski triangular 276
Curve, Sierpi ski universal 275
Curve, simple closed 179
Cut of a space 188
Cyclic element of a space 312
Darboux property 128
| Day, J. M. 74
de Groot, J. 12 150 442
de Mira Fernandes, A. 478
De Vries, H. 19 150
Decomposition of a space 64
Decomposition of a space, continuous 67
Decomposition of a space, upper (lower) semi-continuous 64
Deformation 368
Deformation retract 368
Degree of a space, -dimensional 105
Dendrite 300
Dendrite, local 303
Denjoy, A. 204 539
Diameter 55
Dimension of connectedness of a space 164
Dimensional kernel of a space 112
Dirac, G. A. 306
Direct sum of groups 395
Discolierent space 162
Disk 510
Dispersed point of a space 135
Dispersed space 151
Domain, closed 195
Dowker, C. H. 342 352
Duda, R. 135 442
Dugundji, J. viii 96 352
Dyadic space 36
Dyer, E. 206
Dyson, P. J. 478
Eilenberg, S. 18 31 111 124 183 236 328 357 358 371 374 401 406 412 415 420 426 431 433 436 439 442 469 471 475 481 492 495 496 544 545 554 557—560 580
Element of a group, neutral 385
Element of finite order 385
Elementary closed set 524
Elementary continuum 488 523
Elementary open set 524
Elementary region 523
end points 274
End points of an arc 179
Engelking, R. viii 19 36 38 40 41 59 74 77 79 442 446
Equivalence relation 146 481
Erd s, P. 134 135
Essentially infinite cover 4
Euler — Poincar characteristic 417
Euler, L. 417
Evaluation 19
Exponential topology 45
Extensible property 324
Extension of a function 333
Extension of a measure 457
Extension of a network 528
Extremally disconnected space 154
Factor group 387
Fadell, E. 77
Family, 358
Family, of all quasi-components 150
Family, 443
Family, 74
Family, 445
Family, 84
Family, 446
Family, 88
Family, (z, o) 443
Family, of all closed-open subsets of 443
Family, of maximal ideals 34
Family, of projective class 51
Fearnley, L. 226
Field 74
Filter 4
Fixed point property 343
Flores, A. 117
Floyd, E. E. 478
Fort, Jr., M. K. 31 32 71 443
Fox, R. H. 76 86 535
Frankl, F. 293
Freudenthal, H. 18 374 442 480 550
Frink, Jr., O. 17 45
Fugate, J. B. 224
Function irreducibly non 1 421
Function of Ces ro 131
G ba, K. 480
Gaal, S. A. viii
Ganea, T. 32
Gawehm, J. 527
Gehman, H. M. 177 183 284
Generalized Baire theorem 9
Generalized Cantor discontinuum 148
Generalized product 369
Generalized Rouch theorem 576
Generalized theorem of decomposition 134
Gleason, A. M. 38
Go b, S. 473
Golf and, I. 32
Granas, A. 479 480 492
Grauert, H. 570
Group, -th cohomotopy 480
Group, 407
Group, 392
Group, 392
Group, 392
Group, 399
Group, 392
Group, 407
Group, 406
Group, 387
Group, 393
Group, 399
Group, 409
Group, 479 485
Group, 488
Group, 481
Group, commutative (abelian) 385
Group, factor 387
Group, homotopy 361
Group, topological 386
Groupoid 481
h.l.c 268
Hahn, H. 200 227 230 256
Halin, R. 306
Hall, D. W. 306 307
Hallett 218
Halmos, P. R. 38
Hamilton, O. H. 224
Hamstrom, M. E. 202
Hanner 0 345 352
Harary, F. viii 306
Harrold, Jr., O. G. 289
Hausdorff distance 47
Hausdorff, F. 49 130 139 148 161 233 522
Heilbronn, H. 570
Heine — Borel condition 1
Heine, E. 24
Henderson, G. W. 225 226
Hereditarily disconnected space 151
Hereditarily discontinuous space 189
Hereditarily indecomposable continuum 206
Hereditarily locally connected (h.l.c.) continuum 268
Hildebrandt, T. H. 1
Hilgers, A. 152
Hill, L. S. 72
Hilton, P. J. 361 492
Hocking, J. 183
Homeomorpliism, negative 591
Homeomorpliism, positive 590
Homeomorpliism, regular 530
Homomorphism 386
Homomorphism, kernel of 386
Homotopic functions 360
Homotopy group 361
Hopf, H. 1 43 348 374 392 415 478 543 558 585 588 590 594
Hu, She — Tsen, viii 338 339 352 361
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