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Kuratowski K. — Topology. Volume II |
Предметный указатель |
Hurewicz, W. 51 72 97 114 115 117 119 120 123 124 281 352 354 357 361 374 477 483
i. a.c. (integrally arcwise connected 252
i.a.c 252
i.a.c. space 252
i.c. space 346
Ideal 33
Ideal, maximal 33
Imbedding theorem of Menger and N beling 116 117
Increment of a logarithm 581
Indecomposable continuum 204
Indecomposable space 204
Index of a point 585
Infinite rank of a group 391
Integrally arcwise connected (i.a.c.) space 252
Integrally connected space in dimension 346
Invariant of an oriented topology 594
Invariant property 30
Invariant, intrinsic, of a set 580
Invariant, topological 473
Inverse system 84
Irreducible cuts 557
Irreducible separator 154
Irreducible set of a family 54
Isbell, J. R. viii 38 226
Isomorphism 386
Ivanovski , L. 38
Jackson, J. R. 87 90
Janiszewski space 505
Janiszewski, S. (Z.) 54 133 172 181 190 192 198 204 207 218 506 507
Jarn k, Y. 534
Jaworowski, J. W. 478—480
Jefimov, B. 36 40 41
Jesenin — Volpin, A. 40
Jones, F. B. 130 225
Jordan, C. 127 510
K pcke 153
Kakutani, S. 478
Kar owicz, M. 29
Kashdan, J. 97
Kat tov, M. 17 352
Kelley, J. L. 4 14 76 77 224 256
Kellog, O. D. 344
Kernel of homomorpism 386
Kernel, dimensional (of a space) 112
Kernel, ordinal 281
Kieldy , L. 116
Kincaid, W. M. 262
Kirkor, A. 539
Klee, Y. L. 77 535
Kline, J. R. 181 221 243 539
Knaster continuum 224
Knaster, B. 25 130 132 134 135 149 152 153 161 175 192 202 204—206 210 225 230 277 284 479 560
Koch, R. J. 187
Kodaira, K. 356
Kodama, Y. 352
Kolmogorov, A. 115
Kosifiski, A. 497
Krasnosielskii, M. A. 478 479
kronecker 586
Kronecker characteristic 586
Kuzminov, V. J. 38
l.c. space 346
l.s.c 57
Layer of cohesion 201
Layer of continuity 201
Layer of space 199
Lebesgue coefficient of a system 24
Lebesgue, H. 1 475
Lefschetz, S. 306 339 346 363 377 589
Lehner, G. R. 226
Leja, F. 473
Lelek, A. 54 150 183 226
Length of a set 37
Lennes, N. J. 127 161 179
Lindenstrauss, J. 74
Linearly independent set 391
Livesay, G-. R. 477 479
Local dendrite 303
Locally arcwise connected (l.a.c.) space 252
Locally compact space 41
Locally connected (l.c.) space 230
Locally connected space in dimension 346
Lokutzievski, O. 250
Lower semi-continuity (l.s.c.) 57
Luba ski, M. 560
Lubben, R. G. 522
Lustornik, L. 370
M bius strip 69
MacLane, S. 306
Mapping of class 74
Mapping of class 75
Mapping of class 75
Mapping of order 97
Mapping with small point inverses 30
Mapping, -measurable 74
Mapping, -measurable 75
Mapping, monotone continuous 131
Mapping, upper semi-continuous at a point 57
Marczewski E. (Szpilrajn) 38 71
Marde i , S. 36
Martin, J. 135
Maximal compactification 20
Maximal ideal 33
Mayer, W. 416
Mazur, S. 38
Mazurkiewicz — Sierpi ski theorem 103
Mazurkiewicz, S. 54 103 142 152 168 175—177 186 187 189 192 206 212 213 225 227 244 250 254 256 258 282 289 306 339 359 466 534
McAllister, B. L. 307
McAuley, L. F. 498
McMillan, Jr., D. R. 539
Measure 446
Measure, characteristic 450
Measure, extension of 457
Measure, normed 454
Meisters, G-. H. 498
Menger, K. 104 105 113 116 118 152 172 254 274 277 281 284 290 300 302 477
Michael, E. 22 45—47 74 77 138 139 150 352
Michael, J. H. 498
Miller, E. W. 135
Milnor, J. 535
Mioduszewski, J. 226
Mishchenko, A. 22
Moise, E. E. vii 202 206 224 225 307
Molski, R. 339
Monostratic space 199
Monotone continuous mapping 131
Moore, R. L. 160 175 177 179 180 182 230 245 247 254 257 312 522 527 533 539
Morita, K. 122 480
Mostowski, A. 32 452
Mr wka, S. 96
Multiplication of equivalence classes 481
Multiplication, cohomotopic 479
Multiplicity of a component 498 501
Multiplicity of with respect to 501
Multiplicity of a component relative 498
Multiplicity, 498 501
Multiplicity, 498
Multiplicity, 501
Nagami, K. 97
Nagata, J. viii 96
Nalli, Pia 227
Natural topology 75 76
Negative homeomorphism 591
Negative path of a curve 584
Neighbourhood retract of a space 338
Network 528
Neutral element of a group 385
Newman, M. H. A. 252
Niemytzki, V. 21
| Nikodym 0 176
Nikolajshvili, W. 454 503
Nobeling, G. 116 117 290 291
Norman, R. viii
Normed measures 454
Nov k, J. 16
Nowhere dense continuum 247
Nowhere disconnected space 151
Olech, C. 498
One-point compactification theorem of Alexandrov 43
Operation 389
Operation, restriction 379
Order of a fixed point 589
Order of a space at a point 276
Order type of a space 197
Ordinal kernel 281
Ore, O. 306
Oscillation of a function 252
Oscillation of a space at a point 252
Otto, E. 164 282
Papi , P. 36
Parhomenko, A. 44
Pasynkov, B. A. 18 116 226
Path of a curve 584
Peano continuum 252
Peano, G. 257
Pelczynski, A. 40 41 46
Pervin, W. viii
Peterson, F. P. 480
Phragm n, E. 441
Pli , A. 560
Poincare, H. 417
Point inverse of a mapping 30
Point of irreducibility of a space 190
Points, end 274
Points, rational 274
Points, regular 274
Points, separating 160
Pointwise topology 96
Polygonal arc 461
Polygonal curve 305—306
Pompeiu, D. 153 189
Ponomarev, Y. 36 46
Pontrjagin, L. 3 374
Positive homeomorphism 590
Positive path of a curve 584
Problem of Knaster 479
Proizvolov, V. 22
Projection 64 387
Property ( ) and (Jo) 505
Property (*) of h.l.c. continuum 270
Property (M) of compact spaces 168
Property, -, of subsets of a metric space 83
Property, Darboux 128
Property, extensible 324
Property, fixed point 343
Property, reducible 324
Property, separation (for a family of open sets) 7
Pseudo-arc 224
Quasi-component of a point 148
Quasi-homeomorphic spaces 30
Quotient topology 64
Quotient topology 150
Quotient-family 148
Rad , T. 307
Rational component 497
Rational points 274
Rauchvarger, I. 129
Reducible property 324
Region 127 320
Region, elementary 523
Regular convergence, in the sense of Curtis 359
Regular convergence, of Whyburn 359
Regular homeomorphism 530
Regular Lindelof space 77
Regular points 274
Reichelderfer, P. 307
Relation, mod 386
Relation, 421
Relation, 332
Relation, equivalence 146 481
Relative diameter of a set 252
Relative distance 250
Reschovsky, H. 290
Restriction operation 379
Retract ANR 333 339
Retract ANR at a point 345
Retract AR 332 339
Retract of a space 338
Retracting deformation 368
Retraction 338
Riesz condition 2
Riesz, F. 2 5 18 539
Ring 32
Ring, boolean 33
Roberts, J. H. 92 103 115 136 288
Rosenthal, A. 513
Rouch 576
Roy, P. 135
Rudin, M. E. 77 135
Runge, C. D. 497 567
Ryll — Nardzewski, C. 74
S owikowski, W. 32
Saaty, T. L. viii 306
Saks, S. 571
Samelson, H. 370
Saturated set 54
Scattered spaces 104
Schauder, J. 344
Scherrer, W. 303
Schnirelmann, L. 370
Schonflies, A. 204 475 515 518
Schubert, H. viii
Schuster, S. 306
Scliori, R. M. 224
Selector of a mapping 74
Semadeni, Z. 25
Semi-continuum 188
Separated sets 127
Separating point 160
Separation property (for a family of open sets) 7
Separator 154
Separator between two sets 154
Separator of a space 154
Separator, complete irreducible 154
Separator, irreducible 154
Sequential compactness 3
Set 236
Set of generators mod 394
Set of irrational points 281
Set of irregular points 281
Set of normed measures 454
Set of order 444
Set separating locally a space 154
Set, completely arcwise connected 307
Set, connected 127
Set, elementary closed 524
Set, elementary open 524
Set, irreducible 54
Set, linearly independent 391
Set, saturated 54
Sets, separated 127
Sets, strictly monotone family of 156
Shtanko, M. 250
Sierpinski, W. 3 103 130 152 173 175 179 190 256 260 275 276
Sikorski, R. 9 32
Simple closed curve 179
Sitnikov, K. A. 107 467 497
Sklyarenko, E. 19 442
Snake-like continuum 224
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