Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Chain, maximal
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Lueneburg H. — Tools and fundamental constructions of combinatorial mathematics | 338ff, 345 | Grillet P.A. — Abstract Algebra | 547, 553 | Ruppert W. — Compact Semitopological Semigroups: An Intrinsic Theory | 13, 16—18, 41, 64, 70, 96 | Dugunji J. — Topology | 58 | Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. — Introductory real analysis | 28 | O'Donnell C.J. — Incidence Algebras | 46, 73, 74, 113—115, 158 | Rota G.-C. — Studies in combinatorics (MAA Studies in Mathematics, volume 17) | 35 | Gohberg I., Goldberg S., Kaashoek M. — Classes of linear operators. (volume 2) | 473, 478 |