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Поиск книг, содержащих: Probit model
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Rao C.R., Toutenberg H. — Linear models: least squares and alternatives | 316 | Agresti A. — An introduction to categorical data analysis | 79—80, 144, 270, 272 | Bernardo J.M., Smith A.F.M. — Bayesian Theory | 219, 220, 382 | Demidenko E. — Mixed Models: Theory and Applications | 331, 332, 378, 380, 405, 521 | Maddala G.S. — Introduction to Econometrics | 327—329 | Reise S.P., Duan N. — Multilevel modeling: methodological advances, issues, and applications | 187, 199, 200, 202 | Bickel P., Doksum K. — Mathematical statistics | 416 |