Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Matrix, non-negative
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Rao R.C. — Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications | 45 | Brin M., Stuck G. — Introdution to dynamical system | 57 | Ramirez Alfonsin J.L. — Diophantine Frobenius Problem | 11 | Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations | 250 | Duda R.O., Hart P.E., Stork D.G. — Pattern Classification | 6 | Desloge E.A. — Classical Mechanics. Volume 1 | 450 | Aldrovandi R. — Special matrices of mathematical physics (stochastic, circulant and bell matrices) | 25 | Abramovich Y.A., Aliprantis C.D. — An Invitation to Operator Theory | 329 | Abramovich Y., Aliprantis C. — An Invitation to Operator Theory (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 50) | 329 |