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Поиск книг, содержащих: Moduli space, coarse
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Birkenhake C., Lange H. — Complex Abelian Varieties | 591 | Newstead P.E. — Introduction to modulu problems and orbit spaces | 23, 24 | Shafarevich I.R., Shokurov V.V., Danilov V.I. — Algebraic geometry I: Algebraic curves algebraic. Manifolds and schemes | 78, 117 | Lando S.K., Zvonkin A.K. — Graphs on Surfaces and Their Applications | 226 | Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R. — Algebraic Geometry III : Complex Algebraic Varieties. Algebraic Curves and Their Jacobians | 93, 101 | Okonek C., Schneider M., Spindler H. — Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces | 274 | Huybrechts D. — Fourier-Mukai Transforms in Algebraic Geometry | 241 | Friedman R. — Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles | 154 | Silverman J. — The arithmetic of dynamical systems | 160 | Lange H., Birkenhake C. — Complex Tori | 210 | Friedman R., Morgan J.W. — Smooth four-manifolds and complex surfaces | 57, 63, 280, 335, 337, 338, 357, 364, 368 | Vafa C., Zaslow E. — Mirror symmetry | 484 |