Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Yang — Mills action
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Connes A. — Noncommutative geometry | VI.1 | Naber G.L. — Topology, Geometry and Gauge Fields | 46, 56, 135 | Baez J.C., Muniain J.P. — Gauge theories, knots, and gravity | 274, 279 | Marathe K.B., Martucci G. — The mathematical foundations of gauge theories | 210 | Naber G.L. — Topology, Geometry and Gauge Fields | 46, 56, 135 | Vafa C., Zaslow E. — Mirror symmetry | 744 | Frankel T. — The geometry of physics: An introduction | 544 | Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T. — Principles of phase structures in particle physics | 214 | Rivasseau V. — From Perturbative to Constructive Renormalization | 292 | Azcarraga J., Izquierdo J. — Lie groups, Lie algebras, cohomology and some applications in physics | 126 |