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Поиск книг, содержащих: Contraction hypothesis
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Meirovitch L. — Methods of analytical dynamics | 6 | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.1) | 15—3 | Born M. — Einstein's Theory of Relativity | 184, 213 | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2) | I-15-3 | Eddington A. — The Internal Consitution of the Stars | 5, 289 | Gamow G. — The Birth and Death of the Sun: Stellar Evolution and Subatomic Energy | 13 | Wilson W.F.R.S. — Theoretical physics. Volume II. Electromagnetism and optics | 229, 231, 232, 308 | Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 | I-15-3 |