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Eddington A. — The Internal Consitution of the Stars |
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Cephei 146 199 290
66 Eridani 380
85 Pegasi 160
Abbot, C. G. 325
Absolute magnitude 13 see “Luminosity”
Absolute magnitude, of sun 14 149.
Absorption coefficient, astronomical determination of 118 146
Absorption coefficient, for terrestrial X-rays 22 236
Absorption coefficient, in photosphere 355
Absorption coefficient, law of variation 121 202 219 229 248
Absorption coefficient, monochromatic 368
Absorption coefficient, relation to emission coefficient 50 54 105
Absorption edges 70
Absorption lines 238
Absorption lines, broadening of 353
Absorption lines, fixed lines 377
Absorption lines, formation of 337
Absorption, of light in space 384
Absorption, of radiation 3 20 21 47 217
Abundance of the elements 369
Accretion of mass by stars 391
Adams, W. S. 2 160 171 172 307
Adiabatic changes 35
Adiabatic changes, equilibrium 97
Adiabatic changes, pulsations 186
Adiabatic principle 72 355
Aetherial heat 18
Age, of earth 290
Age, of sun 289
Aitken, R. G. 150 155
Albedo of stars 211
Algol 209
Amplitude of pulsations 185 195
Anderson, J. A. 12 300
Annihilation of protons and electrons 293
Aston, F. W. 293 295
Astronomical constants, values of 395
Atom, structure of 10
Atomic absorption coefficient 54 236
Atomic numbers of elements 10 252
Balancing, principle of detailed 45
Band spectra 350
Betelgeuse 6
Bialobjesky, I. 397
Binary hypothesis of Cepheids 184
Binary stars 11 152 161
Binary stars, change of mass 311 312
Binary stars, mass ratios of 160
Birge, R. T. 350
Bjerknes, V. 286
Black body 39
Black body, sun's deviation from 325
Blackness of absorption lines 340 342 347 350
Bohr atom 60 72
Bolometric magnitude 13
Bolometric magnitude, reduction to visual magnitude 138
Boltzmann's constant 51
Boltzmann's formula 49
Boltzmann's formula, inapplicable to free electrons 263
boundary conditions 95 116 127 211
Boundary temperature of stars 323 332
Bright line spectra 343
Broadening of spectral lines 353
Broadening of spectral lines, in Cepheids 206
Buisson, H. 330
Calcium, in chromosphere 362
Calcium, in interstellar space 378
Calcium, ionisation of 345 349 382
Cameron, H. 318
Campbell, W. W. 11 147
Canonical variables 58
Capella 11 14 85 145
Capture of electrons 23 218 221 230 245
Cell of unit weight 68
Central temperature of stars, constancy on main series 177 299
Central temperature of stars, formulae for 85 136
Central temperature of stars, minimum value 91
Central temperature of stars, numerical values 136 151 182
Cepheid variables 157 180 290
Chapman, S. 277 279 280
Chemical constitution of stars, assumptions as to 250 370
Chemical constitution of stars, effect of 2 10 243
Chromosphere, Milne's theory of 362
Circulating currents in rotating stars 285
Circulating currents in rotating stars, tendency to die out 99
Classical theory, of electron scattering 77
Classical theory, of emission 223
Classification of spectra 2
Cloud, interstellar 378
Clusters, giant and dwarf stars in 310
Clusters, masses of stars in 162
Clusters, variables in 181
Coeval stars, difficulty arising from 310 392
Collisions, inelastic and superelastic 339 373
Companion of Sirius 171
composition see “Chemical constitution”
Compressibility of a gas 165
Compton effect 76 316
Condensations in interstellar medium 381
Conduction of heat 97 281
Constants, list of natural 395
Contraction hypothesis 5 289
contrast see “Blackness”
Contrast, centre-limb 328 331
Contrast, in chromosphere 365
Convection currents 98 285
Convective equilibrium 9 97
Conversion of subatomic energy 315
Correspondence principle 53 64 230 241 263
Currents, circulating 98 285
Cyanogen bands 350
Dark nebulae 387
Darkening at the limb 212
Darkening at the limb, law of 324
Debye and Hueckel's theory 264 280
Decay of pulsations, time of 199
Delaunay's canonical variables 58
Dense stars 130
Dense stars, gas laws in 165
Density of stars 5 8
Density of stars, high density possible 170
Density of stars, mean densities of stars 136
Density of stars, ratio of central to mean density 84
Density, of chromosphere 368
Density, of interstellar matter 372 382
Density, of nebulae 382
Density, of photosphere 336 360
Destruction of matter 293
Detailed balancing, principle of 45
Deviations from perfect gas 260
Deviations from perfect gas, in ionised gas 263
Deviations from perfect gas, in stars 131 165
Diameter see “Radius”
dielectric constant 237
Diffuse matter in space 371
Diffuse nebulae 387
Diffusion, coefficient of 277
Diffusion, of electrons 273
Diffusion, thermal 276
Dilution, factor of 382
Disorganisation of energy 30
Displacement law (Wien's) 39
Dissipation of energy in Cepheids 198
Distribution, of elements in a star 275 298
Distribution, of subatomic sources 122
Dootson, F. W. 277
double stars see “Binary stars”
Doublets 74
Douglas, A. V. 307
Duration of stages of evolution 309
| Dwarf stars 7 130
Dwarf stars, white dwarfs 170
Dynamical parallaxes 158 161
Earth, age of 290
Eclipsing variables 156 208
Effective temperature, of a star 2 120 135 140 323
Effective temperature, of radiation 37
Effective temperature, of radiation in space 371
Eggert, J. 346 399
Einstein's equation 46 5Q
Einstein's theory of gravitation 6 172
Einstein's theory of gravitation, identity of mass and energy 294
Electric charge in a star 272
Electrons 10
Electrons, capture of 24 218 221 230 245
Electrons, destruction of 293
Electrons, free 64 263
Electrons, K and L groups 69
Electrons, orbits of 58
Electrons, runaway 302
Electrons, scattering by 74 77 316 385
Electrostatic energy and pressure 264
Electrostatic energy and pressure, rection to ionisation 257
Elements, atomic numbers and energy levels of 252
Elements, stellar abundance of 369
Emden, R. 5 81
Emission coefficient 24 47 218 329
Emission coefficient, relation to absorption coefficient 50 54 105
Emission coefficient, theories of 223 229 245
Emission lines 343
Enclosure 35 39 100
Energy and mass 27 294
Energy levels in atoms 252 257
Energy, of a poly trope 86
Energy, of a star 141
Energy, of a white dwarf 172
Energy, of ionisation 269
Energy, of the sun 289 292
Energy, subatomic 292
Energy-density of equilibrium radiation 38
Energy-density of equilibrium radiation, relation to pressure 29
Enhanced lines 345
Enskog, D. 277
entropy 30
Equilibrium of a star 9 79
Equilibrium of a star, stability of 142
Equilibrium radiation 36
Escape of atoms 368 392
Evenly diluted radiation 376 382
Evershed, J. 362
Evolution of stars 7 174 296 309
Exchanges, principle of 35 45
Excited atoms 45 66 238 259 346
Excited atoms, life of 364
Excluded volumes 259
Exhaustion of subatomic sources 297 299
Fabry, C 330 371
Fixed calcium lines 377
Flow of heat 100 321
Flow of heat, variable 197
Fowler, A. 73 345
Fowler, R. H. 194 220 256 266 347 379
Free electrons 64 263
Free path 222 277 280 368 373
frequency see “Wave-length”
Gas, deviations from perfect 131 165
Gas, theory of 260 263
Gas-constant 8
Gas-sphere 79
Gas-sphere, isothermal 89
Gas-sphere, polytropic 80
Gas-sphere, tables 82 90
Gerasimovic, B. 286
Giant and Dwarf theory 2 119 163
Giant stars 5 176
Giant stars, lower effective temperature 361
Giant stars, masses of 307
Gravitation opposed by radiation pressure 17
Gravity on Capella 15
Gravity on Capella, on the sun 395
Guessow, M. 181
Guggenheim, E. A. 256 266
Guillotine 231 256
Guillotine, factors 233
Gyllenberg, W. 207
Hamiltonian equations 59 67
Hartree, D. R. 257
Heat, aetherial and material 19
Heat, irreversible flow of 32
Heat, radiometer measurement of 138 206
Heat, sun's store of 289
Helium, formation of 292 296 301 314 315 317
Helmholtz, H. L. F. 289
Hertzsprung, E. 7 139 152 158 161 164 180 290 310
Hubble's variable nebula 387
Hyades 158
Hydrogen, exceptional behaviour of 10 244 276 315
Hydrogen, quantisation of 58
Hydrogen, transmutation of 293 296 301 314
Hypothetical parallaxes 158 161
Initial temperature of electron gas 376
Inner quantum number 74
Inside of a star 19
Insight 102
Interferometer 6 12 171
Interstellar space 371
Interstellar space, calcium cloud in 378
Invariance of weights 68
Inverse square forces 168
Ionisation 10
Ionisation potentials 252 257 383
Ionisation, applied to stars 251 254
Ionisation, energy of 142 269
Ionisation, equation determining 65 66
Ionisation, in Cepheid variables 204
Ionisation, in interstellar medium 382
Ionisation, in reversing layer 345
Ions, diffusion of 273
Ions, size of 166 359
Iron, ionisation potentials of 257
Irreversible processes 32
Isothermal gas-sphere 89 92 382
Jeans, J. H. 3 10 203 281 287 303 312 322
Joy, A. H. 160 307
K electrons 23 69 217 252
Kelvin 5 289 294
Kohlhoerster, W. 317
Kohlschuetter, A. 2 342
Kramers, H. A. 223 225 229
Krueger 60 150
Kulenkamprf, H. 234 238 249
L electrons 23 69 217 252
Lane, H. 4 7 163
Laplace 6
Larmor, J. 294
Leavitt, H. S. 181
Light curve of variables 147 180 205 208 210
Light ratio for 1 magnitude 14
Light, absorption of 383
Lindblad, B. 322 325
Lindemann, F. A. 10
Line absorption and emission 111 238
Line absorption and emission, emission lines 343
Line absorption and emission, formation of absorption lines 337 381
Line absorption and emission, intensity of 342 350
Line absorption and emission, width of 353
Lockyer, J. N. 6 345
Long period variables 206
Luminosity of stars, relation to heat radiation 138
Luminosity of stars, relation to mass 151
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