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Eddington A. — The Internal Consitution of the Stars |
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Luminosity of stars, relation to period in Cepheids 181
Luminosity of stars, relation to spectral type 175
Luminous efficiency 13 138 213
Magnetic field of star 389
Magnitude 13 14 see “Magnitude” “Bolometric “Luminosity” “Massluminosity
Main series 151 176 177 210 215 299
Mass, distribution in a polytrope 86
Mass, of chromosphere 368
Mass, of nebulae 388
Mass, relation to energy 27 292 294
Mass-absorption coefficient 22 100
Mass-luminosity relation, agreement with observation 158
Mass-luminosity relation, applied to Algol 210
Mass-luminosity relation, curve 153
Mass-luminosity relation, table of 137
Mass-luminosity relation, theory of 116 118 135
Mass-ratios in binary stars 160 311
Masses of stars, change of 176 306 312 391
Masses of stars, determined by radiation pressure 16 118 308
Masses of stars, initial masses 307
Masses of stars, large masses 148
Masses of stars, method of determining 12
Masses of stars, principal formulae involving 135
Mathematicians 102
Maxwell's equations 57
Maxwell's law, for electrons with negative energy 64
Maxwell's law, proof of 51
McDiarmid, R. J. 214
McLaughlin, D. B. 214
Merrill, P. W. 12 207
Metastable orbit 74
Michelson, A. A. 12
Millikan, R. A. 318
Milne, E. A. 287 322 325 330 347 349 355 361 362
Minimal problems (central pressure and temperature) 90
Molecular weight 10
Molecular weight, determined by observation 159
Molecular weight, effect of change 255
Molecular weight, probable values of 253 258 259
Molecular weight, variation of 128
Molecules, absorption by 386
Molecules, band spectra of 350
Molecules, quantisation of 352
Multiplets 74
Nebulae 387
Nebulae, penetrating radiation from 319
Nebulium 389
Negative absorption 50
Nernst, W. 3
Newall, H. F. 10 11
Nicholson, S. B. 206
novae 389
Nuclear capture 245
Nucleus of atom 10
o Ceti 206 208
o Ceti, companion of 173
Opacity 3 21
Opacity, astronomical measurement of 146
Opacity, distinguished from absorption 109
Opacity, inversely proportional to luminosity 118
Opacity, law of variation 121 219 229 237 248
Opacity, of dark nebulae 388
Opacity, variation with temperature 202 221 303
Optical depth 321
optical spectra 72
Orbits of binary stars 11
Orbits of binary stars, photometric orbits 148 209
Orbits of electrons 58 71
Orbits of electrons, hyperbolic 224 229 245
Orbits of electrons, of large quantum number 61 241
Oscillation see “Pulsation”
Over-stability 201 299
Pannekoek, A. 273 388
Parallax of Capella 13
Parallax of Capella, dynamical parallaxes 158 161
Parsec 395
Pauli, W. 70 76
Payne, C. EL 141 369 401
Pease, F. G. 208
Penetrating radiation 317
Perfect gas 5 8 84 116
Perfect gas, deviations from 131 167 260 263
Perfect gas, of high density 165
Period of pulsation 192
Period-luminosity relation in Cepheids 181
Perrin, J. 296
Persico, E. 280
Perturbation of electron orbits 71
Pettit, E. 206
Photometric orbits 148 209
Photosphere 334 360
Planck's constant 46 395
Planck's law 21 49 53 55
Planetary nebulae 389
Plaskett, H. H. 330 342
Plaskett, J. S. 148 156 214 378
Plummer, H. C 185
Point-source of energy, solution for 124
Polytropic gas-sphere 80
Polytropic gas-sphere, applicable to stars 117 128
Polytropic gas-sphere, incomplete 94
Polytropic gas-sphere, tables 82
Potential energy of polytrope 86
Potential energy of polytrope, of a star 141
Potential, gravitational 79
Potential, gravitational, at centre of star 83 85
Poynting vector 57
Pressure 79
Pressure of radiation 15
Pressure of radiation, determines stellar masses 16 118 308
Pressure of radiation, escape of atoms by 368
Pressure of radiation, in chromosphere 362
Pressure of radiation, in outer layers 357 360
Pressure of radiation, numerical value 38
Pressure of radiation, ratio to whole pressure, formulae 117 129
Pressure of radiation, stress components of 105 335
Pressure of radiation, tables 117 137
Pressure of radiation, theory of 27
Pressure, at centre of a star 85 91
Pressure, broadening of lines by 353
Pressure, electrostatic correction to 266 269
Pressure, in photosphere 360
Pressure, in reversing layer 349
Principal lines 74 346 349 363
Procyon 152
Procyon, companion 155
Protons, destruction of 293
Pseudo-Cepheids 181
Pulsation, adiabatic theory of 186
Pulsation, criticisms 185
Pulsation, limit to amplitude 194
Pulsation, maintenance of 200
Pulsation, of Cepheids 180
Pulsation, of long period variables 206
Pulsation, period of 192
Quanta 41 46
Quanta, general conception of 57
Quantisation, lack of sharpness 60.. 354
Quantisation, of hydrogen-like ion 58
Quantisation, of molecules 352
Quantum numbers 59 70 72
Quartic equation, fundamental 117 129
Radiation 27
Radiation of stars (total) 114
Radiation of stars (total), relation to luminosity 138 see “Absolute “Massluminosity
Radiation of stars (total), relation to mass and radius 134
Radiation of stars (total), relation to opacity 118
Radiation pressure see “Pressure of radiation”
Radiation, equilibrium of 35
| Radiation, flow of 101 322
Radiation, from accelerated electron 77 223
Radiation, penetrating 317
Radiation, Planck's law 55
Radiation, Stefan's law 38
Radiation, temperature of 37
Radiation, Wien's law 39
Radiative equilibrium 9 97
Radiative equilibrium, equation of 101 107 322
Radiative viscosity 281
Radio-activity 294 315 344
Radiometer 138
Radius of star 2
Radius of star, interferometer measures 6
Radius of star, method for Algol 210
Radius of star, method of calculating 13
Radius, of Cepheids 182
Radius, of long period variable 208
Radius, of sun 395
Rayleigh scattering 384 385
Reflection effect in eclipsing variables 210 213
Refractive index 38 237
Relativity 6 173
Reversible processes 32
Reversing layer 342
Reversing layer, pressure in 349 359
Rigour of proofs 102
Ring nebula 389
Ritter, A. 5
Rosseland's correction 112 247 356 398
Rosseland, S. 109 238 243 264 401
Rotating stars, brightness of 287
Rotating stars, currents in 285
Rotating stars, von Zeipel's theorem 282
Rotation, of Algol 210
Rotation, of planetary nebulae 389
Runaway electrons 302 320
Russell, H. K 7 148 160 163 177 295 303 354
Rutherford, E. 220
Saha, M. N. 345 347
Sampson, R. A. 9
Scattering by electrons 74 243 384
Scattering by electrons, coefficient of 76
Schuster, A. 400
Schwarzschild, K. 9 322 342
Seares, F. H. 174
Selection principle 71 73 351
Series in spectra 74
Shajn, G. 160 3ll
Shapley, H. 8 146 181 310 342 384
Shielding of nuclear field by electrons 67 71 264
Shinjo, S. 203
Silicon, spectra of 345
Sirius, companion of 171
Size of atoms and ions 165 262 359
Smart, W. M. 312
Sodium, fixed lines of 378 383
Sorting demon 37
Source of stellar energy 289
Source of stellar energy, point-source 124
Source of stellar energy, relative distribution of 122 295
Space, absorption of light in 383
Space, density in 372 382
Space, interstellar 371
Space, ionisation in 383
Space, penetrating radiation from 318
Space, temperature in 371 377
Specific heats, for radiation 10 29
Specific heats, for stellar material 270
Specific heats, in Cepheids 157 190 203
Specific heats, limit of stability 142
Specific heats, ratio of 9 35
Spectra, molecular 350 see “Emission” “Spectral
Spectra, optical 72
Spectra, X-ray 70 230 234
Spectral energy curve 324
Spectral type 2
Spectral type, comparison of giants and dwarfs 361
Spectral type, magnitude statistics 175
Spectral type, progression in Cepheids 181 208
Spectral type, range 186
Spectral type, Saha's theory of 345
Spectral type, temperature scale 141
Stability of a star 142 303
Stark effect 353 355
Stationary calcium lines 377
Stebbins, J. 209
Stefan's law 38
Sternberg, G. 207
Stewart, J. Q. 354
Stimulated emission 50 303 365
Subatomic energy 292
Subordinate lines 343 346
Sun 149
Sun, astronomical constants for 395
Sun, darkening at the limb 324 328
Sun, height of chromosphere 362 367
Sun, photosphere 336 360
Sun, spectral energy curve 328
Superelastic collisions 339 373
Superperfect gas 267
Surface-brightness and effective temperature (table) 139
Switches of orbits 229 375
Target for electron capture 221 245
Temperature, in interstellar space 371 377 see “Effective
Temperature, in outer layers 323
Temperature, inside a star 14 84 120 136
Temperature, mean temperature 88 94
Temperature, second approximation 332
Temperature-gradient in Capella 15
Tensors 57 69
thermal diffusion 276
Thermodynamical equilibrium 44 47
Thermodynamical equilibrium, application to outside of a star 323 338
Thermometric temperature 32
Thomson, J. J. 294
Thunderstorms, stellar 344
Time, direction of progress 44
Time-scale 290 293 309
Transmutation of hydrogen 292 296 314
TV Cassiopeiae 214
V Puppis 147
Valency electrons 72 379
Valve of heat engine 200 202
Van der Waals' equation 131 167 259 262
Variable stars, Cepheid 157 180 290
Variable stars, eclipsing 156 208
Variable stars, long period 206
Velocity curves of Cepheids 180 205
Virial 260
viscosity 280
Vogt, H. 285 311
Volts, conversion to ergs and Angstroms 396
von Zeipel, H. 162 282 287
Wave-length of maximum energy 140 325
Wave-length of maximum energy, changed by scattering 76
Wave-length of maximum energy, conversion to volts 396
Wave-length of maximum energy, of energy levels 252
Wave-length of maximum energy, of subatomic emission 316
Weights of atomic states 49 61 67 230
Weights of atomic states, for calculating opacity 112
White dwarfs 170 306
Width of absorption lines 353 367
Wien's Law 39 48
Wilson, C. T. R. 301 320
Woltjer, J. 203 238 240
X-rays 21
X-rays, absorption coefficients 22 217 236
X-rays, spectra 70 230 234
Zonal harmonics 105
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