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Поиск книг, содержащих: Bayes factor
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Good P.I., Hardin J.W. — Common Errors in Statistics : (and How to Avoid Them) | 85 | Hastie T., Tibshirani R., Friedman J. — The Elements of Statistical Learning Data Mining, Inference and Prediction | 207 | Bolstad W.M. — Introduction to Bayesian Statistics | 70 | Friedman J., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. — The Elements of Statistical Learning | 207 | Bernardo J.M., Smith A.F.M. — Bayesian Theory | xiii, 389—395, 414, 417, 422—424, 470, 476, 487, 488 | Shanbhag D.N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Stochastic Processes - Modelling and Simulation | 810 | Lawson A.B., Browne W.J., Rodeiro C.L. — Disease Mapping with WinBUGS and MLwiN | 26 | Pal S.K., Pal A. (eds.) — Pattern Recognition: From Classical to Modern Approaches | 130 | Suykens J.A.K. — Least Squares Support Vector Machines | 132 | Efron B. — Large-Scale Inference. Empirical Bayes Methods for Estimation, Testing, and Prediction | 45, 74 | Efron B. — Large-Scale Interference. Empirical Bayes Methods for Estimation, Testing, and Prediction | 45, 74 | Adams N.M. (ed.), Crowder M. (ed.), Hand D.J. (ed.) — Methods and Models in Statistics: In Honour of Professor John Nelder, FRS | 132, 161 | Gelman A., Carlin J.B., Stern H.S. — Bayesian data analysis | 184—186, 191—192 | Berger J.O. — Statistical decision theory and bayesian analysis | 146, 150, 152 |