Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Anti-unitary
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Streater R.S., Wightman A.S. — PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That | 7, 8, 17 | Ohnuki Y. — Unitary representations of the Poincare group and relativistic wave equations | 3, 114, 203 | Simon B. — Representations of Finite and Compact Groups | 30 | Tomotada O. — Quantum invariants: a study of knots, 3-manifolds, and their sets | 3, 114, 203 | Streater R.F., Wightman A.S. — PCT, spin and statistics and all that | 7, 8, 17 |