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Поиск книг, содержащих: Admissibility condition
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Allen R.L., Mills D.W. — Signal analysis. Time, frequency, scale and structure | 805 | Bhanu B., Pavlidis I. — Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum | 287 | Benson D. — Mathematics and music | 79 | Dafermos C.M. (ed.), Feireisl E. (ed.) — Evolutionary Equations, Vol. 1 | 299 | Neittaanmaki P., Tiba D. — Optimal Control of Nonlinear Parabolic Systems: Theory, Algorithms and Applications | 356 | Kuo W., Zuo M.J. — Optimal Reliability Modeling: Principles and Applications | 215 | Bachman G., Beckenstein E. — Fourier And Wavelet Analysis | 484 | Goswami J.C., Chan A.K. — Fundamentals of Wavelets : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 69 | Petrou M., Sevilla P.G. — Image Processing: Dealing with Texture | 444 | Kaiser D. — A Friendly Guide to Wavelets | 67 | Kaiser G. — Friendly Guide to Wavelets | 67 | Goswami J., Chan A. — Fundamentals of Wavelets. Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 69 | Kahane J.-P. — Fourier Series and Wavelets, Vol. 3 | 0.2, 1.4, 7.1 | Percival D.B., Walden A.T. — Wavelet methods for time series analysis | 4 | Miller S.S., Mocanu P.T. — Differential subordinations: theory and applications | 27, 29, 35—40, 42—43, 71 |