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Neittaanmaki P., Tiba D. — Optimal Control of Nonlinear Parabolic Systems: Theory, Algorithms and Applications |
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, xiii 32
, , xiii 32
, xiii 31
, , , xiii 32
, xiii 32
Adams, R. 35 377
Adapted penalization 172
Adjoint system 171 186 228 239
Admissibility 186 336
Admissibility condition 356
Admissible control 25 185
Admissible control, - 337
Admissible set 3 185
Ahmed N.U. 183 377
Algebraic equation 89
Algorithm, augmented Lagrangian 364
Algorithm, bundle 306
Algorithm, descent 232
Algorithm, gradient 234 265 290
Alifanov, O. 6 377
Alt, W. 226 377
Ames, W.F. 61 188 377
Arnautu, V. 73 226 261 263 296 299 303 377
Arrhenius law 29
Artyukhin, A. 6 377
Atthey, D.R. 77 377
Aubin — Nitsche trick 97
Aubin, J.P. 35 42 198 290 377
Aziz, A.K. 97 377
Babuska, I. 97 377
Baiocchi transformation 61
Baiocchi, C. v 56 377
Banach space 31
Bang-bang, control 180 298 302 349
Banichuk, N.V. 168 377
Banks, H.T. 6 183 377
Barbu, V. v 36 44 46 52 64 65 66 68 72 73 75 76 128 164 172 179 182 197 209 210 215 217 220 226 251 253 258 261 296 299 303 319 322 324 377 378
Barron, A.N. 217
Basis function 84
Beberness, J.W. 184 378
Benilan, Ph. 63 378
Berger, A.E. 12 378
Bergounioux, M. 355 378
Bermudez, A. 28 63 79 226 316 378 379 386 387
Bicos, A.S. 4 379
Bicubi, basis function 84
Bilinear form, coercive 48
Bilinear form, symmetric 48
Billet 17
Birat, J.P. 22 384
Blum, J. 223 225 379
Bolza problem 165
Bonnans, J.F. 164 185 197 226 326 355 379 388
Bossavit, A. 17 379
Boundary condition, Dirichlet 5
Boundary condition, mixed 49
Boundary condition, Neumann 47
Boundary condition, Newton 47
Boundary value problem, multiphase 8
Boundary value problem, nonlinear 28
Boundary value problem, one-phase Stefan 9
Boundary value problem, two-phase 8
Boundary, Lipschitz 33
Boundary, smooth 34
Brezis, H. 19 35 36 44 63 68 127 179 188 343 379
Bundle method 274
BV(0, T;X) xiii
Caffarelli, C.A. 61 79 379
Caginalp, G. 79 379
Cannon, J.R. 13 379
Capelo, A. v 377
Casas, E. 326 355 379
Casting process 20
Cea, J. 237 380
Cea’s lemma 95
Centroit rule 87
Chain rule 39
Characteristic function 57
Chen, Z. 148 214 380 382
Ciarlet, Ph. 85 88 99 103 133 137 380
Ciavaldini, J.F. 84 380
Ciment, M. 12 378
Clarke, F.H. 45 210 274 322 325 380
Classical solution 47 54
Coercive operator 39
Compatibility condition 54
Concentration 2 17
Cone 43
Conjugate gradient method 247
Conrad, F. 17 380
Continuous casting 19
Contraction mapping 39
Control constraint 2 30 165
Control problem 2 24 27 30 164 218
Control problem, state constrained 319
Controllability 217
Convergent 232
Correa, R. 45 380
Cournil, M. 17 45 380
Crandall, M.G. 63 380
Crank — Nicolson scheme 101
Crank, J. 125 380
Crowley, A.B. 17 79 380
Crystal growth model 16
Crystal growth model, dissolution model 16
Dautray, R. 34 50 380
Decomposition of domain 81
Demicontinuous 39
Derivative, directional 38
Derivative, distributional 32
Descent algorithm 232
DiBenedetto, E. 61 73 78 79 339 340 343 380
Differentiable, Frechet 39
Differentiable, Gateaux 38
Differentiable, weakly 38
Diffusion 1
Directional derivative 38
Directional differential 38
Discretization 83
distribution 33
DOM xiii
Domain, Lipschitz 34
Domain, polygonal 81
Domain, rectangular 85
Dual space 32
Duality mapping 42
Duvaut, G. 56 61 381
Ekeland, I. 326 381
Elastoplastic torsion 18
Element 81 82
Element, Lagrange 83
Element, prismatic 82
Element, rectangular 82
Element, triangular 81
Elimination formulae 92
Elliott, C.M. v 11 63 79 142 148 246 279 381 386
Ellipticity assumption 47
Emission factor 21
Energy functional 49
Energy norm 49
Enthalphy 14 21 178
Equation, Fourier 26
Equation, heat conduction 20
Equation, Laplace 47
Equation, parabolic diffusion 18
Equation, Poisson 47
| Eriksson, K. 116 381
Error, consistence 111
Error, estimate 96
ess supp 32
Evans, L.C. 79 379
Evolution variational inequality 68
Exterior normal xiv 6
Fasano, A. 12 381
Federer, H. 78 381
FEM 80
Fetter, A. 131
Fife, D.C. 79 386
Filippov, U.M. 63 381
Fix, G. 97 387
Fleming, W.H. 165 381
Fletcher, R. 241 381
Fortin, M. 364 381
Fourier equation 26
Fourier transform 33
Frechet differentiable 39
Free boundary 7 10 13
Free boundary, problem 7 18 278
Fremond, M. 56 61 381
Friedman, A. v 6 32 54 61 77 78 217 381 382
Friedrich’s inequality 49
Friedrich’s mollifier 196
Function, characteristic 57
Function, closed 36
Function, indicator 62
Function, Lipschitz 33
Function, proper 36
Function, test 47
Function, trial 47
Functional 32
Functional, energy 49
Functional, quadratic 48
Galerkin, approximation 253 270
Galerkin, method 88
Gateaux differentiable 38
Generalized gradient 45
George, P.L. 82 382
Gilbarg, D. 50 382
Gill, Ph.E. 241 382 383
Glashoff, K. 302 382
Global regularity 50
Glowinski, R. 19 57 133 137 364 381 382
Goering, H. 99 382
Goh, C.J. v 239 382 387
Gotz, I.G. 79 382
Gradient algorithm 234 264 290
Gradient formula 264 265
Gradient method 233
Gradient, Clarke 45 275
Gradient, generalized 45 275
Graph, maximal monotone 56
Green formula 47
Grisvard, P. 50 382
Gronwall lemma 36
Gruver, W.A. 237 302 382
Hachbusch, W. 226 382
Haslinger, J. v 164 333 382
He, Z.X. 217 324 382
Heat conductivity 5
Heat conductivity, conduction equation 20
Henry, J. 22 384
Hermite interpolation 85
Hewitt, E. 32 382
Hilbert space 31
Hill, C.D. 13 379
Hoffmann, K.-H. 148 214 226 296 382 383
Hokkanen, V. 76 383
Identification of free boundary 221
Identification of parameter 5
Indicator function 43 62
Induction heating 17
Inequality, Friedrichs 49
Inequality, Minkowski 110
Initial condition 21
Interpolant 84
Interpolation, Hermite 85
Interpolation, Lagrange 85
Inverse, problem 6
Inverse, Stefan problem 217 295
Inverse, temperature model 304
Jensen, S. 17 383
Jiang, L. 214 217 381 382
Jofre, A. 45 380
Johnson, C. 99 116 117 381 383
Kamenomotskaja, S.L. 60 383
Kardestuncer, H. 82 85 383
Kassay, D.R. 184 378
Kenmochi, N. 16 383
Kernevez, J.P. 1 383
Kinderlehrer, D. v 35 78 383
Kirchhoff tranformation 3 14 22 178
Kiwiel, K.C. 274 383
Knowles, G. 226 383
Komornik, V. 187 388
Krabs, W. 226 383
Krizek, M. 88 96 98 132 383
Kronecker symbol 47
Kunish, K. 6 182 377
Kupfer, F.S. 316 383
Kuribayashi, T. 304 386
Ladyzenskaya, O.A. 50 54 185 332 383
Lagrange, element 83
Lagrange, interpolation 85
Lagrange, method 355
Lagrange, multiplier 356
Laitinen, E. 17 22 156 158 161 192 308 314 383 384 385
Lamp, U. 226 383
Laplace equation 47
Larrecq, M. 22 384
Lasiecka, I. 55 226 384
Latent heat 20
Lesaint, P. 119 124 304 384
Lewis, F.L. v 384
Limit, strong 31
Limit, weak 31
Lions, J.L. v 19 33 34 35 44 50 54 55 57 61 75 137 164 166 183 184 200 222 331 341 344 380 382 384
Lipschitz, boundary 33
Lipschitz, constant 33
Lipschitz, domain 34
Lipschitz, mapping 33
Liquid pool 20
Load vector 90
Louhenkilpi, S. 158 161 314 384
Mackenroth, U. 226 377 384
Magenes, E. 11 33 54 222 344 384
Makela, M. v 275 293 307 384
Makinen, R. 220 388
Malanovski, K. 226 244 385
Mannikko, T. 164 244 355 378 385 388
Mapping, contraction 39
Mapping, duality 42
Mapping, Lipschitz 33
Martinez, A. 28 316 378
mass density 5
Matrix, mass 91 100
Matrix, stiffness 90 101
Maximal monotone graph 56
Maximal monotone operator 38
Maximum principle 171 186 210 228 264
Maximum principle, discrete form 230
Meas xiii
Meike, Z. 388
Meirmanov, A. 63 79 385
Method, bundle 274
Method, conjugate gradient 247
Method, Crank — Nicolson 101
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