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Dafermos C.M. (ed.), Feireisl E. (ed.) — Evolutionary Equations, Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
-semigroup 4
-calculus 28
-stability 507
-limit set 513
-Holder continuous functions 398
A-bounded 33
Abourjaily, C. 482 550
Accommodation of the degeneracy 188
Accurate Riemann Solver 113 121
Acquistapace, P. 411 435
Adams, R. 279 [1]
Admissibility condition 299
Alber, H.D. 131 166
Albrecht, D. 79 [ADM96]
Alfors, L.V. 279 [2]
Alt, H.W. 279 [3]
Amann, H. 33 77 79 79 79 428 435 435
Ambrosio, L. 448 449 469 469
Ames, K.A. 374 375
Amosov, A.A. 298 299 330 331 334 375 375 375 375 375 384 384 384
Analytic generator 26
Analytic semigroup 387 389 420
Ancona, F. 92 131 152 166 166
Andreucci, D. 242 257 258 261 279 279 279 429 435
Andrews, G. 298 300 302 308—310 375 375
Angenent, S. 393 435
Antman, S.S. 310 375
Antoncev, S.N. 177 279 279 279 297 311 334 354 375
Anzellotti, G. 177 279 280
Arendt, W. 5 6 10 12—16 20 33 40 47 48 50—53 55 57 61 63 64 71 72 74 76 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79
Aronson, D.G. 75 79 175 185 225 231 253 260 280 280 280 280 280
Asymptotically stable 340
Asymptotically, almost periodic 15
Attractors 340 351 354
Auscher, P. 28 74—76 78 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Averaging lemma 449 450 452
Axisymmetric 340 348 349
Baconneau, O. 387 424 429 431 432 435
Baillon, J.-B. 31 80 508 550 550
Baiti, P. 92 94 131 166
Balance laws 289 292 294 296
Balanced exponential growth 17
Ball, J.M. 300 302 308—310 375
Barenblatt, G.I. 172 233 239 280
Barthelemy, L. 74 80
Batty, C. 5 6 10 12—16 47 48 50 57 76 78 79
Baumann, P. 77 80
Bear, J. 254 257 258 280 280
Bebernes, J. 300 375 375
Becker, E. 312 375
Belhadj, M. 447 469
Belov, S. 298 300 375
Belov, V. 298 300 375
Benabidallah, R. 354 377 377
Benilan, P. 74 80 237 280 482 484 550 550
Berkson, E. 52 80
Bernstein, S.N. 280 [21]
Berryman, J.G. 249 280 280
Berthelin, F. 440 458 469
Bertsch, M. 253 280 280 298 375
Bianchini, S. 102 152 154 166
Biegert, M. 11 80
Blake, M. 13 80 80
Blow-up 290 291 354 363—366 371
Boccardo, L. 256 280
Boltzmann equation 334 439 446
Bombieri, E. 232 280 280
Bossavit, A. 225 254 257 280
Bouchut, F. 440 450 458 469 469 469
Bouleau, N. 60 78
Boundary, group 7
Boundary, layer 547
Bounded holomorphic semigroup 7
Bounded imaginary powers BIP 25
Bounded variation condition 157
Boundedness 225
Bourgain, J. 80 [Bou86]
Brauner, C.-M. 387 411 417 419 422—424 429 434 435 435 435 435
Brendle, S. 13 80
Brenier, Y. 439 447 469
Bressan, A. 92—94 102 120 131 152 154 156 158—160 166 166 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 299 300 375 375
Brezis, H. 177 249 280 513 550
Bruck, R.E. 508 550 550
Bu, S. 13 33 40 51—53 55 57 71 79 79 79 79 79 80
Bukhvalov, A.V. 64 79
Burgers equation 99
Burkholder, D. 51 80
Caffarelli, L.A. 178 259 260 280 280 280 280 429 432 433 435
Campiti, M. 11 80
Capacity 43
Carillo, J. 446 469
Carlson, D.E. 289 294 375
Castro, A. 387 435 436
Cauchy problem 6 387
Center, manifold theory 424 429
Center, manifolds 393 395
Center-unstable manifolds 395
Cercignani, C. 439 469 469
Chang, T. 328 375
Chapman — Enskog expansion 334
Characteristic, boundary 547
Characteristic, shock 502 518
Chavent, G. 254 280
Chen, G.Q. 311 327—330 340 354 365 375 375 375 375 376 376 440 446 454 470 470 550 550 550
Chen, S. 374 376
Chen, Y.Z. 176 233 280 280 280 280 281 281
Chen, Z. 299 376
Cheng, K.S. 281 [41]
Chill, R. 16 64 80 80 80
Choe, H. 281 [42] 281 376
Chrzeszczyk, A. 365 376
Chuey, K. 488 491 551
Chzhou, Y.-L. 242 283
Cioranescu, I. 26 80
Classical solution 5
Clausius — Duhem inequality 292—294 296
Clement, Ph. 31 49 52 53 56 58 71 80 81 81 81
Co-properties 476
Collela, P. 330 376
Collins, R.E. 254 257 258 281
Colombo, R.M. 93 152 167 167
Commuting operators 19
Compact, resolvent 15 16
Compact, semigroup 10
Compressible fluids 290 339
Compressible heat-conducting fluids 290 295 339
Compressible reacting flow 330
Compressible viscous fluids 289
Compressible viscous heat-conducting 294 295
Compressible, Navier — Stokes 289—291 296 322 334 339 351
Concentrated compactness 348
Conditional Schauder basis 29
Conley, C. 488 491 551
Conservation law 89 297 302
Conservative scheme 537
Conserved quantity 89
Constitutive relations 289 293 295 297 300 301 311 365
Contact discontinuity 106
Continuous interpolation space 391 393 396
Continuum physics 289 291 296 376
Contraction mapping 356 369
Coulhon, T. 65 66 68 71 75 79 80 81 81
Countable spectrum 15
Courant — Friedrichs — Lewy condition 538
Cowling, M. 31 34 64 81 81
| Crandall, M. 237 253 280 280 484 550
Crasta, G. 152 167
Crouzeix, M. 49 81
Da Prato, G. 20 81 387 391 393 435 435
Dafermos, C. 92 131 167 167 289 293 298 299 301 310 364 365 375 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 448 449 454 470 520 525 551 551 551
Damlamian, A. 225 254 257 280
Dan, W. 365 376
Daners, D. 74 81
Danilyuk, I.I. 254 281
Daskalopoulos, P. 177 281
Dautray, R. 8 11 78 439 470
Davies, E.B. 37 61—63 65—67 69 70 75 78 78 81 81
Dawson, J.M. 249 284
Day, W.A. 374 376
De Giorgi, E. 174 180 184 185 256 281
de Lacerda Oliveira, M. 374 381
De Lellis, C. 448 449 469 470 470
de Pagter, B. 49 53 81
Decay rates 332 362 363 370 373
Degenerate 171 187 226 257
del Pino, M. 177 281
Denk, R. 19 57 77 78 81 81
Deshpande, S.M. 463 470
Desimone, A. 448 470
Desjardins, B. 340 376
Di Francesco, M. 551 [13]
DiBenedetto, E. 174 176—179 182 185 209 211 218 219 224 227 233 234 238 239 242 243 245 249 254 257—263 265 267 269—271 273—278 279 279 279 280 280 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282
Diffusion waves 508
Dilation theorem 37
Diller, D.J. 177 281 281 282
DiPerna, R.J. 131 159 167 167 450 457 470 470 470 498 551
Dirichlet, Laplacian 9 39 68
Dirichlet, regular 8
Discrete shock profile 539
dispersion 476 479 482 498
Dissipation mechanism 289 296
Dore — Venni theorem 27
Dore, G. 27 28 36 57 78 81 81 81 81 81 81
Doust, I. 31 81
Drake, J.R. 249 282
Ducomet, B. 311 322 326 340 348 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376 376
Duhamel principle 480
Dungey, N. 78 [[DER03]]
Duong, X. 34 71 72 77 79 81 81 81 81 81 81
Durek, U. 365 377
Durmagambetov, A.A. 297 382
Dynamic boundary conditions 12
Dziubanski, J. 76 81
Eberhardt, B. 6 81
Eberly, D. 300 375
Ebmeyer, C. 282 [75] 282
Edwards, R.E. 53 78
Elementary functional calculus 20
Elliott, C.M. 374 377
Energy estimates 181
Engel, K.-J. 12 16 78 82
entropy 99 441 481
Entropy, admissible solution 100
Entropy, criterion 483
Entropy, dissipation measure 444 445 456
Entropy, flux 99
Entropy, solution 483
Equilibrium curve 488
Ergodic 14
Ericksen, J.L. 300 377
Error estimate 154 160
Escher, J. 387 424 426—429 435 435 435 435 435 435 435
Escobedo, M. 528 551
Esposito, L. 270 282
Esteban, J.E. 177 282
Eulerian coordinates 291 294 295 330 331 338 340 341 353
Evans, L.C. 177 178 259 260 280 282 470
Eventually norm continuous semigroups 13
Expansion of positivity 219 241 242
Exponential decay 329 355 361 374
Exponential stability 322 354 363
Exponentially stable 12
Extinction in finite time 234 247
Extinction, profile 249
Extinction, time 242
Eymard, R. 446 448 463 470 470
Fabes, E.B. 232 282 282
Fan, H. 540 542 545 551 551
Fasangova, E. 64 80
Fasano, A. 225 254 257 282 286
Favini, A. 12 82
Feireisl, E. 311 340—344 348 351 352 365 376 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 470
Fendler, G. 35 82
Fendler’s dilation theorem 35
Field equations 292
Finite energy weak solution 341 342 345 349—352
Finite volumes 462 463
Flux 89
Foias, C. 352 377
Fonf, V.P. 14 82
Form sum 42
Fourier law 295 361
Fractional powers 23
Frame indifference 293
Free boundary 322 331—335 338 354 424
Free boundary, heat equation 388
Free boundary, problems 387 388 427
Freistuhler, H. 448 470 523 547—549 551 551
Fremond, M. 225 254 257 280
Frid, H. 322 377
Friedman, A. 76 77 78 244 257 280 280 281 281 282 282 282
Fries, C. 448 470 508 551 551
Friesecke, G. 310 377
Front tracking 92 113
Fujita-Yashima, H. 330 354 377 377 377
Fukushima, M. 10 60 78 82
Fully nonlinear, parabolic equations 387
Fully nonlinear, problems 419
Fundamental solution 172 243 244
Galaktionov, V.A. 429 435
Gallouet, T. 446 448 463 470 470
Gariepy, R. 178 281
Garnett, J.B. 31 78
Garofalo, N. 232 282
Gaudry, G.I. 53 78
Gaussian semigroup 8
Gearhart — Pruss theorem 13
Generator 4
Genuinely nonlinear 101 291 366 371 372
Gerbeau, J.-F. 447 469
Gianazza, U. 178 273—275 278 282 282
Gianni, R. 429 435
Giaquinta, M. 177 280
Gibbs principle 460
Giga, Y. 439 447 470
Gilbarg, D. 276 282 505 551
Gillespie, T.A. 52 80
Giusti, E. 232 280
Glassey, R.T. 439 470
Glimm, J. 92 93 112 130 167 328 330 375 377
Global attractor 340 352
Global existence 290 291 297 299 302 311 322 330 333 334 337—340 348 352 354 355 361—368 373
Goatin, P. 159 167
Godlewski, E. 448 463 470
Godunov scheme 538
Godunov, S. 544 551
Goldstein, G.R. 12 82
Goldstein, J.A. 12 82
Golse, F. 439 450 452 469 470 470
Goodman, J. 478 508 510 531 535 551 551
Grad, H. 334 377
Greenberg, J.M. 300 302 310 377 377
Greenwood, J.R. 249 282
Greiner, G. 6 81
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