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Поиск книг, содержащих: Specific internal energy
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena | 335 | Winterbone D.E. — Advanced thermodynamics for engineers | see internal energy | Capriz G. (ed.), Giovine P. (ed.), Mariano P.M. (ed.) — Mathematical Models of Granular Matter | 173 | Mattheij R.M.M. — Partial differential equations: modeling, analysis, computation | 115 | Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics | 3 | Truesdell C.A., Wang C.C. — Rational Thermodynamics | see "Energetic", "Energy, internal" | Toro E.F. — Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Introduction | 5, 12, 13 | Mattheij R.M. — Partial differential equations | 115 |