Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Transport theorem
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Zeidler E. — Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications IV: Applications to Mathematical Physic | 441 | Wesseling P. — Principles of computational fluid dynamics | 10, 12, 20 | Chorin A., Marsden J. — A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics | 10, 18, 117 | Antman S.S. — Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity | 453 | Sattinger D.H., Weaver O.L. — Lie groups and algebras with applications to physics, geometry, and mechanics | 74 | Mattheij R.M.M. — Partial differential equations: modeling, analysis, computation | 111, 643 | Stewart I.W. — The Static and Dynamic Continuum Theory of Liquid Crystals: A Mathematical Introduction | 324 | Straumann N. — General relativity and relativistic astrophysics | 433 | Silhavy M. — The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continuous Media | 66 | Mattheij R.M. — Partial differential equations | 111, 643 | Groesen E., Molenaar J. — Continuum Modeling in the Physical Sciences (Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computation) | 51, 52 |