Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Fibonacci relation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction | 472, 521 | Tucker А. — Applied Combinatorics | 281, 308, 299, 315 | Tucker A. — Applied Combinatorics | 281, 308, 299, 315 | Mott J.L., Kandel A., Baker T.P. — Discrete Mathematics For Computer Scientists And Mathematicians | 269—270 | Mott J., Kandel A., Baker T. — Discrete mathematics for computer scientists and mathematicians | 269—270 | Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction | 442, 457, 505 | Grimaldi R.P. — Student Solutions Manual for Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | 442, 457, 505 |