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Mott J.L., Kandel A., Baker T.P. — Discrete Mathematics For Computer Scientists And Mathematicians
Mott J.L., Kandel A., Baker T.P. — Discrete Mathematics For Computer Scientists And Mathematicians

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Íàçâàíèå: Discrete Mathematics For Computer Scientists And Mathematicians

Àâòîðû: Mott J.L., Kandel A., Baker T.P.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 763

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.04.2014

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
"An Investigation of the Laws of Thought"      577
"Analysis-synthesis" reasoning      24—26
"Degree spectrum" of a directed graph      334
"Dictionary" ordering of strings      373—375
"Don't care" conditions      609
"Double hashing" algorithms      357—358
"Extraordinary" sets      9
"Greedy" method for increasing flow      663
"hard" AND for fuzzy set operations      705
"Hub" vertex      457
"Ordinary" sets      9
"Probe" sequence      358
"Ring" pattern      607
"Smallest" Boolean algebra      588—589
"Soft" AND for fuzzy set operations      705
"Soft" expert systems (SES)      722—724
"Soft" expert systems (SES), ARIES      727—731
"Soft" expert systems (SES), EKB      725—727
"Soft" expert systems (SES), FRKB      724—727
"Soft" expert systems (SES), VKB      725—727
"The First Theorem of Graph Theory"      440—441
"The Sum of Degrees Theorem"      440—441
"Vicious circle" fallacy      29
$@$-transitive fuzzy binary relation      713
$\alpha$-balanced binary tree      514
$\epsilon$-reflexive general fuzzy relation      726
$\hat{g}$-transitive general fuzzy relation      726
$\kappa$-chromatic graph      56 559
$\kappa$-critical graph      561
$\kappa$-partite graph      467
$\kappa$-regular graph      439
$\kappa$-way B-tree      503—504
$\theta$-transitivity of a similarity relation      726
2's complement form      620—621
2-valued Boolean function      134—136
5-Color Theorem      569—571
Abbreviated truth table      38—39
Absolute complement of a set      4
Absorption laws      582—583
Abstract set theory      2 see
Absurdity      38
Ackerman's Function      326
Ada programming language      378 428
Addend bit      614
Adder, full-adder      614 615—621
Adder, half-adder      614—615
Addition rule of inference      49
Adjacency matrix      396—402 450
Adjacency matrix, multiplicity matrix      536—537
Adjacency matrix, Warshall's algorithm      407—412 539
Adjacent primes      76
Adjacent to edge      333
Adjacent vertices      439
AI      see "Artificial intelligence"
Algebra, boolean      see "Boolean algebras"
Algebra, switching      see Switching mechanisms"
Algorithms, "double hashing"      357—358
Algorithms, asymptotic performance of      405
Algorithms, BFS      482—485
Algorithms, binary search      415—418
Algorithms, bubble sort      297 423
Algorithms, complexity of      407
Algorithms, correctness of      404
Algorithms, deterministic      419
Algorithms, DFS      482 485
Algorithms, division      64
Algorithms, efficiency of      404—407
Algorithms, Euclidean      78 117
Algorithms, flow-augmenting path      676
Algorithms, greedy      486—487
Algorithms, greedy, for vertex coloring      567
Algorithms, inefficient      406
Algorithms, inorder traversal (LNR)      515 518
Algorithms, interchange sort      418—423
Algorithms, Kruskal's      486—489
Algorithms, labeling      674—675
Algorithms, Merge Sort      282—284 425—426
Algorithms, minimal spanning tree      494
Algorithms, nondeterministic      419
Algorithms, partial correctness of      404
Algorithms, polynomial-bounded      406
Algorithms, postorder traversal (LRN)      515 518
Algorithms, preorder traversal (NLR)      514 515 518
Algorithms, Prim's      494
Algorithms, run times of      347
Algorithms, Shell sort      419
Algorithms, successive minima      419
Algorithms, termination of      404
Algorithms, topological sort      428—432
Algorithms, tree traversal      514—515 518
Algorithms, vertex labeling      674—675
Algorithms, Warshall's      407—412 539
Algorithms, Welsh — Powell      565—566
Alphabet      373
Alternating geometric series      250—251
ALU      see "Arithmetic logic unit"
Ambiguity, fallacy of      28
Amphiboly, fallacy of      28
Ancestor of a vertex      482
AND Boolean operator      398—400
AND function      601 603
AND, "hard" and "soft"      705
AND-VERTEX      729—731
AND/OR graph      728—731
ANSI Standard Y 32.14, 1973 for logic symbols      601
Antecedent of an implication      35
Antisymmetry of a binary relation      339 340
Antisymmetry of a fuzzy binary relation      713
Antisymmetry of a set relation      11
Appel, K.      569
Approximate reasoning inference engine (ARIES)      727—731
Argument, basic elements of      19—20
Argument, diagonal      377—378
Argument, Kempe-chain      569—571
ARIES      see "Approximate reasoning inference engine"
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)      see also "Boolean functions minimization "Switching
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), arithmetic operations, table of      621
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), carry look-ahead technique      627
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), full-adder      614 615—621
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), half-adder      614—615
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), logic operations, table of      620
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), micro-operations      619—621
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), multiplexers      621—626
Arithmetic micro-operations in an ALU      619—621
Arithmetic series      110 115
Arrangement      see "Combinations" "Permutations"
Artificial intelligence (AI)      720 731 see "Soft
Aspects of discovery      21—22
Associative binary operation on a set      16
Associative property of sets      5
Asymmetry of a binary relation      339 340
Asymptotic performance of algorithms      405
Atom of a Boolean algebra      588
Attribute values in the FRKB      725—726
Augend bit      614
B-tree of order k      503—504
Backtracking      26—27
Backward chaining in expert systems      724
Backward edge      666
Backward labeling      675
Basis of induction      103 111
BCD      see "Binary coded decimal"
Begging the question      29—30
Beta probability density function      733
BFS      see "Breadth-first search"
Biconditional proposition      37
Big O notation      344—346
Big O notation and algorithm efficiency      404—407
Big O notation, performance of height balanced binary trees      511
Big O notation, performance of sorting algorithms      347
Binary coded decimal (BCD) representation      596
Binary de Bruijn sequences      539—541
Binary operation on a set      16
Binary relations      see also "Relations"
Binary relations, adjacency matrix      396—402
Binary relations, antisymmetry      339 340
Binary relations, asymmetry      339 340
Binary relations, Boolean matrix      396—402
Binary relations, Boolean operations on      398—400
Binary relations, composition      382—383
Binary relations, fuzzy      713
Binary relations, inner product      397—398
Binary relations, inverse      381—382
Binary relations, irreflexivity      339 340
Binary relations, reflexivity      339 340
Binary relations, set      10
Binary relations, symmetry      339 340
Binary relations, transitive (reflexive) closure      383
Binary relations, transitivity      339—340
binary search algorithm      415—418
Binary search tree      512—514
Binary trees, $\alpha$-balanced      514
Binary trees, binary search tree      512—514
Binary trees, complete      509—510
Binary trees, conventions for drawing      508
Binary trees, defined      507
Binary trees, height balanced      510—512
Binary trees, inorder traversal (LNR)      515 518
Binary trees, left child, edge, subtree      507
Binary trees, level-order index of vertex      509
Binary trees, parent      507
Binary trees, postorder traversal (LRN)      515 518
Binary trees, preorder traversal (NLR)      514 515 518
Binary trees, right child, edge, subtree      507
Binary trees, traversal algorithms      514—515 518
binomial      201
Binomial coefficients      see also "Multinomial coefficients"
Binomial coefficients, as combinations      189—190
Binomial coefficients, as factorials      191
Binomial coefficients, boundary conditions      194—195
Binomial coefficients, column summation      197—198
Binomial coefficients, diagonal summation      196
Binomial coefficients, identities, additional      204
Binomial coefficients, Newton's identity      191—192
Binomial coefficients, Pascal's identity      192—194
Binomial coefficients, Pascal's triangle      193—194
Binomial coefficients, row square summation      197
Binomial coefficients, row summation      196
Binomial coefficients, secondary conditions      194—195
Binomial coefficients, symmetry property      191
Binomial coefficients, table of      195
Binomial coefficients, Vandermonde's identity      204—205
Bipartite graph      457 547—548 see
Block diagrams of logic circuits      601—602
Boole, George      577
Boolean algebras, "smallest"      588—589
Boolean algebras, absorption laws      582—583
Boolean algebras, atom      588
Boolean algebras, axioms      578
Boolean algebras, canonical form of expressions      589—591
Boolean algebras, conjunctive normal form      591—592
Boolean algebras, dagger function      593
Boolean algebras, defined      578
Boolean algebras, DeMorgan's laws      584
Boolean algebras, direct sum      585—586
Boolean algebras, disjunctive normal form      591—592
Boolean algebras, expressions for      588—593
Boolean algebras, finite      588
Boolean algebras, free      590
Boolean algebras, functionally complete operations      592—593
Boolean algebras, homomorphism      585
Boolean algebras, idempotent laws      580—581
Boolean algebras, involution law      583
Boolean algebras, isomorphism      585
Boolean algebras, lattice as      578
Boolean algebras, literal      590
Boolean algebras, maxterm, minterm expressions      590—592
Boolean algebras, modular law      587
Boolean algebras, notation for      579
Boolean algebras, partial order on      580
Boolean algebras, principle of duality      580
Boolean algebras, product-of-sums form      591 612
Boolean algebras, sheffer stroke function      593
Boolean algebras, subalgebra      584
Boolean algebras, sum-of-products form      591 605
Boolean algebras, switching mechanisms      see "Boolean algebras" "Switching
Boolean algebras, theorems for      580—585
Boolean functions, 2-valued      134—136
Boolean functions, minimization of Karnaugh maps      607—609 610—611 see "Switching
Boolean functions, product-of-sums forms      612
Boolean functions, self-dual 2-valued      135
Boolean functions, sum-of-products forms      605
Boolean functions, Veitch diagrams      606
Boolean matrices      396—402
Boolean operators      398—400
Boolean subalgebra      584
Boolean sum of sets      5
Bound, glb, lower, lub, upper      364
Boundary conditions of a recurrence relation      268
Breadth-first search (BFS)      482—485
Bridge edge      472 541
Bubble sort algorithm      297 419 423
Buck, R.C.      110
Canonical form for Boolean expressions      589—591
Canonical representative of equivalence class      356
Cantor's paradox for sets      7
Cantor, Georg      1 377
Capacity constraint      638
Capacity function of a directed graph      633
Capacity of a cut      647—648
Capacity of an edge      633—634 647—648
Cardinality of a fuzzy set      714
carry bit      614
Carry look-ahead technique      627
Cartesian product of fuzzy sets      707
Cartesian product of sets      8 10 128
Catenation of strings      373
Cauchy probability density function      733
Cayley's formula      497
Cells of a set      178
Certainty factor      722 724
Chain      363
Chaining in expert systems      724
character strings      373—375
Characteristic function of a set      2
Characteristic function of a set in IHR solutions      310—319
Characteristic function of a set, defined      301
Characteristic function of a set, distinct roots      301—302
Characteristic function of a set, multiple roots      302—304
Characteristic roots, method of      300—304
Child of a vertex      482
Chromatic numbers for planar graphs      569—571
Chromatic numbers, 5-Color Theorem      569—571
Chromatic numbers, defined      558
Chromatic numbers, greedy algorithm for vertex coloring      567
Chromatic numbers, Kempe-chain argument      569—571
Chromatic numbers, rules for determining      560—563
Chromatic numbers, The Four-Color Problem      569—571
Chromatic numbers, The Scheduling Problem      558—560
Chromatic numbers, Welsh — Powell algorithm      565—566
Circuit rank of a graph      481
Circuits in graphs      388 442
Circuits, combinatorial      see "Switching mechanisms"
Circuits, Eulerian      537—539
Circuits, full-adder      614 615—621
Circuits, half-adder      614—615
Circuits, Hamiltonian cycle      543—551
Circuits, logic      see "Logic gates"
Circuits, Simple      388 442
Circuits, switching      see "Switching mechanisms"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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