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Поиск книг, содержащих: DeMorgan, Augustus
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction | 138, 176, 239, 241, 589 | Pesic P. — Abel's Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability | 132, 195n | Sagan H. — Advanced Calculus of Real-Valued Functions of a Real Variable and Vector-Valued Functions of a Vector Variable | 6 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 1 | 593, 596, 774—775, 975—976, 980, 1096—1097, 1182, 1188—1189 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 3 | 593, 596, 774—75, 975—976, 980, 1096—1097, 1182, 1188—1189 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 2 | 593, 596, 774—775, 975—976, 980, 1096—1097, 1182, 1188—1189 | Gordon H. — Discrete Probability | 7 | Struik D.J. — A concise history of mathematics. Volume 2 | 182 | Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction | 118, 186, 242, 244, 565 | Grimaldi R.P. — Student Solutions Manual for Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | 118, 186, 242, 244, 565 | Kline M. — Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times | 593, 596, 774, 775, 975—976, 980, 1096, 1097, 1182, 1188—89 |