Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Ito calculus
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Zinn-Justin J. — Quantum field theory and critical phenomena | 83 | Zinn-Justin J. — Quantum field theory and critical phenomena | 80 | Baxter M., Rennie A. — Financial calculus | 57—62 | Duffie D. — Security Markets. Stochastic Models | 222 | Pope S.B. — Turbulent Flows | 718 | Mackey M.C. — Time's arrow: the origins of thermodynamic behavior | 141 | West B.J., Bologna M., Grigolini P. — Physics of Fractal Operators | 21 | Adler S.L. — Quantum theory as emergent phenomenon | 164—167, 171, 176 | Holden H., Oksendal B. — STOCHASTIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS | 197 | Bouchaud J.-P., Potters M. — Theory of Financial Risks: From Statistical Physics to Risk Management | 176 | Coffey W.T., Kalmykov Yu.P., Waldron J.T. — The Langevin equation | 175 | Breuer H.-P., Petruccione F. — The Theory of Open Quantum Systems | 41 |