Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: MacLane, Saunders
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 8.r 52.r 70.F, r 91.r 103.r 200.M, r 201.G 202.T 277.r 305.A | Yale P.B. — Geometry and Symmetry | 43, 157, 199 | Coxeter H.S.M. — Regular Polytopes | 38, 42, 169 | Faith C. — Rings and Things and a Fine Array of Twentieth Century Associative Algebra | 255 | Coxeter H. — Regular polytopes | 38, 42, 169 | Penney D.E. — Perspectives in Mathematics | 106, 316 | Wilson R. — Mathematical conversations: selections from The mathematical intelligencer | 468 | Odifreddi P., Sangalli A., Dyson F. — The Mathematical Century: The 30 Greatest Problems of the Last 100 Years | 18, 20 | Krantz S. — Mathematical Apocrypha Redux: More Stories and Anecdotes of Mathematicians and the Mathematical (Spectrum) (Spectrum) | 7, 24, 53, 67, 81, 98, 127, 137, 139, 160, 171, 189, 241 | Wells D. G. — You are a mathematician: a wise and witty introduction to the joy of numbers | 69—70 |