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Поиск книг, содержащих: Muller's method
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in FORTRAN77 | 364, 372 | Shampine L.F., Allen R.C., Pruess Jr.S. — Fundamentals of numerical computing | 147 | Stewart G.W. — Afternotes on Numerical Analysis | 33—34, 135 | Wait R. — The numerical solution of algebraic equations | 105 | Tsang L., Kong J.A. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 3. Advanced topics) | 261 | Wait R. — Numerical solution of algebraic equations | 105 | Young D.M., Gregory R.T. — A Survey of Numerical Mathematics, Volume 2 | 95, 136—145, 578, 659 | Daniels R.W. — Introduction to numerical methods and optimization techniques | 50—57 |