Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Luby, M.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 1442 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 2) | 1442, 1555, see Haken, A. | Zimand M. — Computational Complexity: A Quantitative Perspective | 152, 223 | Shoup V.A. — Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra | 147, 179 | Wicker S.B., Kim S. — Fundamentals of Codes, Graphs, and Iterative Decoding | xviii, 174, 193, 200, 208, 209 | Finch S.R. — Mathematical constants | 409 | Papadimitriou C.H. — Computational Complexity | 390 | Motwani R., Raghavan P. — Randomized algorithms | 24, 63, 122, 188, 193, 331—333, 361, 364, 365, 387 | Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A | 32, 41, 59, 65, 523, 525, 530, 550 | Sack J.R., Urrutia J. (Ed) — Handbook of Computational Geometry | 566, 569, 570, 589, 592 [55], 593 [76], 593 [77] | Kozen D.C. — The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms | 191 | Habib M., McDiarmid C., Ramirez-Alfonsin J. (eds.) — Probabilistic Methods for Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics | 61, 91, 143, 147, 164 | Yovits M. — Advances in Computers.Volume 26. | 129, 151 |