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Поиск книг, содержащих: Steinitz's theorem
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Oda T. — Convex bodies and algebraic geometry: an introduction to the theory of toric varieties | 189 | Schneider R. — Convex Bodies: The Brunn-Minkowski Theory | 15 | Jensen C.U., Lenzing H. — Model Theoretic Algebra with particular emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules | 5—6, 22—23, 306 | Enderton H.B. — A Mathematical Introduction to Logic | 158—159 | Penney D.E. — Perspectives in Mathematics | 127 | Bjorner A., Vergnas M., Sturmfels B. — Oriented Matroids, Second edition (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) | 24, 403, 488 | Richter-Gebert J. — Realization Spaces of Polytopes, Vol. 164 | 1, 3, 117, 120, 138 |