Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Polynomials, interpolation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Fritz J. — Lectures on advanced numerical analysis | 80 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 2) | 579, 589 | Mathews J.H., Fink K.D. — Numerical Methods Using MATLAB | 204, 207, 210, 211, 217, 224, 227, 238 | Maple 8. Learning guide | 64 | Hogben L. — Handbook of Linear Algebra | 11—2 | Sedgewick R. — Algorithms | 47—48, 471—472, 475—477 | Elberly D.H., Shoemake K. — Game Physics | 476—477 | Courant R., John F. — Introduction to Calculus and Analysis. Volume 1 | 470 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications | 579, 589 | McEliece R.J. — Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers | 182 |