Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Stability, numerical
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Henrici P. — Applied and Computational Complex Analysis. I: Power Series, Integration, Conformal Mapping, Location of Zeros. | 499, 662 | Wesseling P. — Principles of computational fluid dynamics | 163 | Henrici P. — Elements of numerical analysis | 11, 168, 302, 314 | Henrici P. — Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (Vol. 3) | 9, 10 | Strauss W.A. — Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction | 194—199, 203 —205 | Hansen G.A., Zardecki A., Douglass R.A. — Mesh Enhancement: Selected Elliptic Methods, Foundations and Applications | 105 | Alexiades V. — Mathematical Modeling of Melting and Freezing Processes | 183, 195, 218 | Quoc N.S. — Stability and nonlinear solid mechanics | 368 | Elberly D.H., Shoemake K. — Game Physics | 487—502 | Stuwe K. — Geodynamics of the Lithosphere: An Introduction | 401, 402 | Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics | 269—273 | Ortega J.M. — Numerical analysis: a second course | 4 | George A., Liu J. — Computer solution of large sparse positive definite systems | 9 | Sima V. — Algorithms for Linear-Quadratic Optimization | 55, 56, 65, 69, 97, 219, 229, 267 |