Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Regular domain
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Hunter J.K., Nachtergaele B. — Applied Analysis | 365 | Felsager B. — Geometry, particles and fields | 397, 460 | Lee J.M. — Introduction to Smooth Manifolds | 238 | Chung K.L., Walsh J.B. — Markov Processes, Brownian Motion, and Time Symmetry | 165 | Boothby W.M. — An introduction to differentiable manifolds and riemannian geometry | 254 | Szekeres P. — A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry | 489 | Dauge M. — Elliptic Boundary Value Problems On Corner Domains | 21 | Boothby W.M. — An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry | 254 | Bouscaren E. — Model Theory and Algebraic Geometry | 126 | Chung K.L., Walsh J.B — Markov Processes, Brownian Motion, and Time Symmetry | 165 | Maeda F.Y. — Dirichlet Integrals on Harmonic Spaces | 4 | Pier J.-P. — Mathematical Analysis during the 20th Century | 216 | Fritzsche K., Grauert H. — From Holomorphic Functions To Complex Manifolds | 360 |