Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Convergence, tests for
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 1) | 394—408 | Whittaker E.T., Watson G.N. — A Course of Modern Analysis | 71, 72 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus: One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra, Vol. 1 | 394—408 | Bluman G.W. — Problem Book for First Year Calculus | see Comparison tests for convergence, Estimation of tails of infinite series, Integral test, Ratio test | Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics | 475 | Murray D.A. — Differential and integral calculus | 237, 238, see "Series", "Infinite Series" | Murray D.A. — A first course in infinitesimal calculus | 307, 308 | Osborne G.A. — Differential and integral calculus, with examples and applications | 79 |