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Поиск книг, содержащих: Cancellation theorem
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bass H. — Algebraic K-theory | 184 | Messer R. — Linear Algebra: Gateway to Mathematics | 19 | Friedlander E.M. (ed.), Grayson D.R. (ed.) — Handbook of K-Theory | 52, 53 | Zagoskin A.M. — Quantum theory of many-body systems | 75, 108 | Prestel A., Delzell C.N. — Positive Polynomials: From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Real Algebra (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) | see Witt, E. | Baeza R. — Quadratic Forms Over Semilocal Rings | 79, 82 | Knus M.-A. — Quadratic and hermitian forms over rings | 333, 376 | Bass H. — Algebraic K-theory | 184 | Ehrenreich H., Seitz F., Turnbull D. — Solid State Physics.Volume 26. | 52 | Horn R.A. — Matrix Analysis | 78, 141 |