Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Friedlander E.M. (ed.), Grayson D.R. (ed.) — Handbook of K-Theory |
Предметный указатель |
with supports 254
-chain 246
-eta-invariant 730
-Rho-invariant 730
140 148 169
-genus, higher 762
-class 762
-functor 1060—1065
-filtration 41
-operations on K0 258
-spaces 6
-operations on K0 258
-filtered 24
-equivalence 73 82
+-construction see “Plus construction”
A-regular 781
A-theory 597—599
Abel’s five term relation 301
Adams operations 280
Adams spectral sequence 970
Additive category 11
Additivity theorem 22
Admissible epimorphism 11
Admissible monomorphism 11
AF algebra 849
Alexander polynomial 590
Alexander trick 711
Algebraic cycle 41
Algebraic equivalence 878 883
Algebraic K-theory of commutative Banach algebra 854
Algebraic K-theory of rings of integers 140
Algebraic K-theory of spaces 597—599
Algebraic K-theory of the integers 127 141
Algebraic n-simplex 440
Amenable group action 777
Analytic torsion 590
Approximation Lemma 75
Arakelov motivic complex 312
Artin — Verdier duality 980
Artin’s 751
Aspherical 722
assembly 30
Assembly map 735
Assembly map, analytic 804
Assembly map, relative 741
Asymptotic covering 33
Asymptotic dimension 778
Asymptotic morphism 666
Atiyah — Conjecture for Torsion Free Groups 729
Atiyah — Conjecture for Torsion Free Groups, strong 729
Atiyah — Hirzebruch spectral sequence 43 211 457 1082
Atiyah’s Real K-theory 892
Augmented diagrams 1025—1027
Augmented diagrams, constructing them 1045—1048
B 686
Balanced product of C-spaces 795
Balanced smash product of pointed C-spaces 795
Banach algebra, commutative 846
Banach algebra, semisimple 847
Bar construction 494
Based L-groups 619
Bass conjecture 386
Bass Conjecture, Strong Bass Conjecture for 753
Bass Conjecture, Strong Bass Conjecture for 753
Bass Conjecture, Weak Bass Conjecture 754
Bass — Heller — Swan-decomposition 716
Baum — Connes conjecture 673
Baum — Connes Conjecture for Torsion Free Groups 724
Baum — Connes Conjecture with coefficients 765
Baum — Connes Conjecture with coefficients and a-T-menable groups 773
Baum — Connes Conjecture, fibered version 771
Baum — Connes Conjecture, real version 726
Baum — Connes Conjecture, status of 775
Baum — Connes Conjecture, status of the Coarse Baum — Connes Conjecture 779
BDF see “Brown — Douglas — Fillmore theory”
Beilinson conjecture 396
Beilinson — Lichtenbaum conjecture 202 377 433 439 449 916 1101
Beilinson — Parshin conjecture 396
Beilinson — Soule conjecture 363
Beilinson — Soule vanishing conjectures 491
Bernoulli numbers 144 151 180 184 998 1002
Bicartesian square 1042
Birch — Tate conjecture 152 170
Bivariant Chern characters 694
Bivariant periodic cyclic homology 689
Bloch complex 1082
Bloch — Beilinson — Murre filtration conjecture 370
Bloch — Kato conjecture 126 202 377 449 1100 1108
Bloch — Ogus cohomology 453
Bloch — Ogus cohomology, de Rham cohomology 455
Bloch — Ogus cohomology, Deligne cohomology 455
Bloch — Ogus cohomology, etale cohomology 455
Bloch — Suslin complex 437
Bloch — Wigner function 301
Bloch’s cycle algebra 492 493
Bloch’s cycle complex 307 441
Bloch’s cycle Lie algebra 493
Bloch’s formula 276
Bloch’s formula, singular varieties 284
Blow-up 1087
Blow-up formula 201 206
Bokstedt’s JK-construction 1003
Borel class 320
Borel conjecture 722
Borel regulator 321
Bost conjecture 765
Bott element 149 169 857
Bott element, inverse 857
Bott manifold 761
Bott map 120 149
Bott periodic K-theory 125
Bott periodicity 114 117 659 846
Bott Periodicity Theorem 851
Bounded geometry 767
Bounded h-Cobordism Theorem 714
Bounded K-theory 27
Bounded map 713
Brauer group 145
Brauer lift 1003
Bredon homology 740
Brown — Comenetz duality 973
Brown — Douglas — Fillmore theory 847
Brown — Gersten spectral sequence 210
Burnside ring 816
C*-algebra 845
C*-algebra, AF 849
C*-algebra, G-C*-algebra 804
C*-algebra, maximalcomplexgroupC*-algebra 763
C*-algebra, nuclear 849
C*-algebra, reduced complex group C*-algebra 725
C*-algebra, reduced real group C*-algebra 726
C*-algebra, stable 849 859
C*-algebra, tensor product 849 860
C*-theoretic Novikov conjecture and groups of finite asymptotic dimension 778
c-equi(X, 0) 1086
Calculus of functors 72
Calkin algebra 846 858
Cancellation theorem 52 53
Categories with squares 1020—1023
Category of compactly generated spaces 794
Category of weak equivalences 16
Category with cofibrations 16
Category with cofibrations and weak equivalences 597
Category with duality 540
Category with duality, exact category with duality 543
| Category with duality, triangulated category with duality 559
cdga 492
cdga, Adams graded 493
cdga, connected 493
cdga, motivic 493
cdh topology 1086
centralizer 816
Chapman — Ferry Theorem 592
Chapman’s theorem 588
Characteristic classes 583
Characteristic classes, secondary 584
Chern character 42
Chern character in algebraic geometry 361
Chern character in topology 355
Chern class 42 153 155 583 586
Chern class, coefficients in Milnor K-theory 265
Chern — Connes character 695
Chern — Simons class 584
Chern — Weil theory 583
Chow groups 1082
Chow groups, graded by (co-)dimension 247
Chow groups, higher 59
Chow groups, singular surfaces 287
Chow groups, ungraded 246
Chow ring 41
Chow’s Moving Lemma 250
Class group 143 977
Class group, ray 174
Classical polylogarithms 302
Classification of nuclear C* algebras 676
Classification of quadratic forms 556
Classifying map 681
Classifying space for a family 739
Classifying space for proper G-actions 739
Classifying space of a group 714
Classifying variety 950
Clifford algebras 118
Coarse invariance 27
Cobordism 710
Cobordism, bounded 713
Cobordism, diffeomorphic relative M- 710
Cobordism, trivial 710
Cocompact 738
Coflasque torus 944
Cohomology, continuous etale 398
Cohomology, l-adic 391
Cohomology, Lichtenbaum (Weil-etale) 404
Cohomology, motivic 361 362 371 1113
Cohomology, with compact supports 28
Commuting automorphisms 47
Completed K-theory 164
Concordance 599
Cone, reduced cone 794
Coniveau filtration 919
Connection 581
Connection, flat 582 583
Connes’ operator 88
Continuous cohomology 214
Control, bounded 591
Control, epsilon 591
Controlled K-theory 591
Correspondence 53
Correspondence, direct sum Grothendieck group 53
Cosimplicial regions 1024—1025 1068
Crystalline cohomology 91
Crystalline cycle map 206
Cubical hyperresolutions 461
Curves on K(A) 106
CW-complex, finite 712
CW-complex, finitely dominated 712
Cycle classes 506
Cycle classes, regulators by 506
Cycle classes, relative 506
Cycle complexes 440—442
Cycle complexes and Milnor K-theory 446
Cycle complexes, Chern character isomorphism 445
Cycle complexes, cubical version 450
Cycle complexes, cubical version, alternating complexes 452
Cycle complexes, cubical version, comparison with simplicial version 451
Cycle complexes, cubical version, products 452
Cycle complexes, cycle complex associated to a cycle module 262
Cycle complexes, functoriality 443
Cycle complexes, homotopy 443
Cycle complexes, localization 443
Cycle complexes, Mayer — Vietoris 443
Cycle complexes, products 444
Cycle complexes, projective bundle formula 445
Cycle complexes, properties 442
Cycle map 202
Cycle module 262
Cycle module with ring structure 262
Cycle module, cycle complex 262
Cycle, associated to a module 242
Cycle, degenerate 803
Cycle, equivalent 803
Cycle, even 803
Cycle, homotopic 803
Cycle, odd 803
Cycle, prime cycle 241
Cyclic bar-construction 78 86 101
Cyclic bicomplex 687
Cyclic homology 72 87 687
Cyclic polytopes 87
Cyclotomic tower 976
Cyclotomic trace 72 599
Cyclotomic trace map 217
Cylinder functor 19
de Rham — Witt complex 73 91
de Rham — Witt complex of a polynomial algebra 92
de Rham—Witt complex 204
Decoration 719
Dedekind zeta function 998
Deformation to the normal cone 288
Degree of a map 581 597
Deligne’s complex 307
Derived categories 1017—1018
Descent homomorphism 805
Determinant, Kadison — Fuglede 591
Devissage 1065—1067
Diffotopic 679
Dilogarithm 301 437
Dimension group 850
Dimension, birational invariance 242
Dimension, relative to a base 242
Dirac element 805
Dirac element, dual 805
Dirac-dual Dirac method 805
Disjoint union axiom 740
Distinguished polynomial 961
Distinguished triangles 1018 1035—1036
Divisor, Cartier 243
Divisor, Cartier, cap product by 245
Divisor, Weil 241
Dominated 579
Dominated epsilon 592
Duality theorem 1098
Dualizable object 972
e-invariant 147 159 164
e-Theory 661
Edge-wise subdivision 83
Eilenberg swindle 858
Eilenberg — MacLane spaces 5
Elementary module 961
Elementary spectrum 974
Elliptic operator, generalized elliptic G-operator 802
Embedding conjecture 729
Embedding theorem 487
Envelope 288
Equivalence of categories 796
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