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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
3851. Cristaldi D. Pennisi S. Pulvirenti F. Liquid Crystal Display Drivers. Techniques and Circuits2009
3852. Cristián Huepe Maximino Aldana-González Dynamical Phase Transition in a Neural Network Model with Noise: An Exact Solution2002
3853. Cristina Toninelli Giulio Biroli Dynamical Arrest, Tracer Diffusion and Kinetically Constrained Lattice Gases2004
3854. Cristophe r Moore Majority-Vote Cellular Automata , Ising Dynamics , and P-Completeness1997
3855. Cristopher Moore Newman M. E. J. Height Representation, Critical Exponents, and Ergodicity in the Four-State Triangular Potts Antiferromagnet1999
3856. Cristopher Moore Jonathan Machta Internal Diffusion-Limited Aggregation: Parallel Algorithms and Complexity1999
3857. Critchfield G. Gamow C. L. Theory of Atomic Nucleus and Nuclear Energy-Sources1949
3858. Crittenden B. Thomas W.J. Adsorption Technology Design1998
3859. Crnkovic I. Stafford J. Schmidt H. Component-Based Software Engineering: 7th International Symposium, CBSE 2004, Edinburgh, UK, May 24-25, 2004, Proceedings2004
3860. Crompton S. The Repeating Rifle (Transforming Power of Technology)2004
3861. Cronje P. B. Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and Reproduction (First edition)2000
3862. Crook S. Modernist Radicalism and its Aftermath: Foundationalism and Anti-Foundationalism in Radical Social Theory1991
3863. Cross A. Coordinating Design and Technology Across the Primary School1998
3864. Cross R. An introduction to alfren waves1988
3865. Crossley N. Making Sense Of Social Movements2002
3866. Crossley P.K. The Manchus2006
3867. Crotts John Transtornando o Mundo: Aprendendo a evangelizar com o apóstolo Paulo2017
3868. Crowe B.D. The Obedient Son. Deuteronomy and Christology in the Gospel of Matthew (Band 188 edition)2012
3869. Crowell B. Physics- Newtonian Physics2009
3870. Crowell B. Vibrations and Waves (Introductory Physics Textbooks series, Volume 3) (2nd edition)2008
3871. Crowhurst N.H. Cooper G.F. High-fidelity circuit design1959
3872. Crowther J.R. The ELISA Guidebook: Second Edition (Methods in Molecular Biology) (2nd edition)2008
3873. Cruzado A.G. Encender lecturas sin apagar culturasn/a
3874. Crystal D. How language works2007
3875. Csiernik R. Wellness and Work: Employee Assistance Programming in Canada2005
3876. Csorgo M. Quantile Processes With Statistical Applications1987
3877. Cuba L. Juárez E. Crecer siendo diferente: Compilación de tres investigaciones sobre violencia homofóbica, transfóbica y lesbofóbica en la familia y la escuela en el Perú2018
3878. Cuccurullo S. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review (1st edition)2004
3879. Cudre-Mauroux P. Emergent semantics: interoperability in large-scale decentralized information systems2008
3880. Cueto S. Escobal J. Penny M. ¿QUIÉN SE QUEDA ATRÁS? Resultados iniciales del estudio Niños del Milenio Tercera ronda de encuestas en el Perú2012
3881. Cueto S. investigación para el desarrollo en el Perú. Once balances2016
3882. Cueto S. Escobal J. Penny M. Tracking Disparities: Who Gets Left Behind? Initial Findings from Peru2011
3883. Culler D. Singh J.P. Gupta A. Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware Software Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)1998
3884. Culturas visuales indígenas y las prácticas e S. Savkić2019
3885. Cummings P. T. Stell G. Random Flights in Euclidean Space. I. General Analysis and Results for Flights with Prescribed Hit Expectance Density About the Origin1983
3886. Cummings P. T. Wright C. C. Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation for a Soft- Core Yukawa Fluid. III. A Restricted Model for Electrolytes and Fused Salts1980
3887. Cumo C. M. Science and Technology in 20th-Century American Life (1 edition)2007
3888. Cunha J. Medeiros P. Euro-Par 2005 Parallel Processing: 11th International Euro-Par Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, August 30 - September 2, 2005, Proceedings2005
3889. Cuniberti G. Fagas G. Richter K. Introducing Molecular Electronics2005
3890. Cunningham H. Hanbury A. Ruger S. Advances in Multidisciplinary Retrieval: First Information Retrieval Facility Conference, IRFC 2010, Vienna, Austria, May 31, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI)2010
3891. Cunsheng Ding Guozhen Xiao Weijuan Shan The Stability Theory of Stream Ciphers (1 edition)1991
3892. Cuntz J. Meyer R. Rosenberg J. M. Topological and Bivariant K-Theory2007
3893. Curbera G. Mathematicians of the world, unite. The International Congress of Mathematicians2009
3895. Curtain R.F. Pritchard A.J. Infinite Dimensional Linear Systems Theory (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences) (1 edition)1978
3896. Curtis C. Reiner I. Methods of representation theory. With applications to finite groups and orders1981
3897. Curtis C.W. Methods of representation theory. With applications to finite groups and orders1981
3898. Curtis R. T. Wilson R. A. The Atlas of Finite Groups - Ten Years On1998
3899. Curto R.E. Multivariable operator theory1995
3900. Curtright L. (ed.) Bremm D. (ed.) Sustainability and the City. Urban Poetics and Politics2017
3901. Cushman-Roisin B. Beckers J.-M. Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (2ed edition)2009
3902. Cutler C. D. Erratum and Addendum: Some Results on the Behavior and Estimation of the Fraetal Dimensions of Distributions on Attractors1991
3903. Cutler C. D. Some Results on the Behavior and Estimation of the Fractal Dimensions of Distributions on Attractors1990
3904. Cutler S. Cutler H. Biologically Active Natural Products: Pharmaceuticals2000
3905. Cutler S. Bonetta D. Plant Hormones: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) (2nd edition)2009
3906. Cuzzocrea A. Intelligent Techniques for Warehousing and Mining Sensor Network Data (Premier Reference Source)2010
3907. CVOICE Cisco Volce over IP2003
3908. Cwikel M. Peetre J. Interpolation Spaces and Allied Topics in Analysis (1 edition)1984
3909. Cwiklinski S. Wolgatataren im Deutschland des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Deutsche Ostpolitik und tatarischer Nationalismus (Band 243 edition)2019
3910. Cybulski A. Structured Catalysts and Reactors (1 edition)1997
3911. Cycon H. Froese R. Kirsch W. Schroedinger Operators: With Application to Quantum Mechanics and Global Geometry1987
3912. Cynthia Kosso Anne Scott The Nature and Function of Water, Baths, Bathing and Hygiene from Antiquity through the Renaissance (Technology and Change in History)2009
3913. Cypher J.M. Dietz J.L. The Process of Economic Development (3 edition)2008
3914. Cyril Domb From Random to Self-Avoiding Walks1983
3915. Cyril Heitner Don Dimmel John Schmidt Lignin and Lignans: Advances in Chemistry (1 edition)2010
3916. Cyrus K . Aidun Dewei W. Qi. A New Method for Analysis of the Fluid Interaction with a Deformable Membrane1998
3917. Cyrus K. Aidun Yannan Lu Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Solid Particles Suspended in Fluid1995
3918. D . Benedetto E . Caglioti M . Pulvirenti A Non-Maxwellian Steady Distribution for One-Dimensional Granular Media1998
3920. D'Acunto B. Computational Methods for Pde in Mechani [With CDROM] (Har/Cdr edition)2004

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