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Содержимое каталога
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2602. Bope MD E.T. Kellerman MD R.D. Rakel MD R.E. Conn's Current Therapy 20112011
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2612. Boris Levin Mikhail Nosov Physics of Tsunamis (1 edition)2008
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2621. Born M. Einstein A. Physics and Politics2007
2622. Borne T. Lochak G. Stumpf H. Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory and the Structure of Matter2002
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2624. Bornstein L. Nuclear States from Charged Particle Reactions2007
2625. Borrelli N. Microoptics Technology: Fabrication and Applications of Lens Arrays and Devices (2nd edition)2005
2626. Bortone S. Seagrasses: Monitoring, Ecology, Physiology, and Management (Marine Science Series)2000
2627. Borwein J. A dictionary of real numbers (1 edition)1990
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2631. Borwein P. Erdelyi T. Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities1995
2632. Borwein P. Choi S. Rooney B. The Riemann Hypothesis: A Resource for the Afficionado and Virtuoso Alike (1 edition)2007
2633. Bos L. Medical and Care Compunetics 4 (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics)2007
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2635. Bos S. Kiihn R. Multiplicity of Metastable Retrieval Phases in Networks of Muitistate Neurons1994
2636. Bosch J. Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering: Third International Conference, GCSE 2001, Erfurt, Germany, September 9-13, 2001, Proceedings2001
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2640. Bosman G. Noise in Physical Systems and 1/F Fluctuations (1st edition)2001
2641. Bosniak S. Cantisano-Zilkha M. Minimally Invasive Techniques of Oculofacial Rejuvenation2005
2642. Bot R. Conjugate Duality in Convex Optimization (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)2010
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2647. Bouajjani A. Chin Wei-Ngan Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 8th International Symposium, ATVA 2010, Singapore, September 21-24, 2010, Proceedings (1st edition)2010
2648. Boualem Benatallah Fabio Casati Dimitrios Georgakopoulos Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2007: 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Nancy, France, December 3-7, (1 edition)2007
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2650. Bouchet F. Barre J. Classification of Phase Transitions and Ensemble Inequivalence, in Systems with Long Range Interactions2004
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2653. Bouckaert B.R.A. Economic Analysis of Property Law Cases (1-st edition)2020
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