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Содержимое каталога
14141. Tari Z. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2004, Agia (1 edition)2004
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14143. Tarn T.-J. Chen S.-B. Zhou C. Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)2004
14144. Tarow Indow The Global Structure of Visual Space (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology, Vol. 1)2004
14145. Tarski A. Mostowski A. Robinson R. Undecidable Theories1953
14146. Tasic J.F. Najim M. Ansorge M. Intelligent Integrated Media Communication Techniques2003
14147. Tate M.A. Web Wisdom: How To Evaluate and Create Information Quality on the Web, Second Edition (2-nd edition)2009
14148. Tateo Yamanaka Chemolithoautotrophic Bacteria: Biochemistry and Environmental Biology (1 edition)2008
14149. Tatlow J.C. Houben-Weyl Methods of Organic Chemistry1998
14150. Tattersall J. J. Elementary Number Theory in Nine Chapters1999
14151. Tatyana Yakhno Advances in Information Systems: Second International Conference, ADVIS 2002, Izmir, Turkey, October 23-25, 2002. Proceedings (1 edition)2002
14152. Tauber A. The Immune Self: Theory or Metaphor?1994
14153. Taubman D. Marcellin M. JPEG2000: Image Compression Fundamentals, Standards and Practice2002
14154. Tay J. Tay S. Liu Y. Biogranulation Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Microbial granules2006
14155. Taylor A. D. Pacelli A. M. Mathematics And Politics | Strategy Voting Power And Proof (2nd edition)2008
14156. Taylor C. Colchester A. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 1999: Second International Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 19-22, 1999, Proceedings1999
14157. Taylor J. R. Scattering Theory: The Quantum Theory of Nonrelativistic Collisions1972
14158. Taylor M. Partial Differential Equations II: Qualitative Studies of Linear Equations, Second Edition (Applied Mathematical Sciences, 116) (2nd edition)2011
14159. Taylor M.E. Tuyls K. Adaptive Learning Agents: Second Workshop, ALA 2009, Held as Part of the AAMAS 2009 Conference in Budapest, Hungary, May 12, 2009. Revised Selected ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)2010
14160. Taylor P.L. Heinonen O. Handwritten solutions for Quantum approach to condensed matter physics2002
14161. Taylor R. Stochastic Convergence of Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Linear Spaces (1 edition)1978
14162. Taylor T. The commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato in five books - containing a treasury of Pythagoric and Platonic physiology1820
14163. Taylor W. M(atrix) theory: matrix quantum mechanics as fundamental theory2001
14164. Ted Nomura Paula Merkado Justo Miranda Luftwaffe: 1946 Technical Manual. Band 4. Amerika Bombers.1999
14166. Tedder D.W. Pohland F.G. Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management2000
14167. Tedric A. Harris Michael N. Kotzalas Essential Concepts of Bearing Technology (5th edition)2006
14168. Teerikorpi P. Valtonen M. Lehto K. The Evolving Universe and the Origin of Life: The Search for Our Cosmic Roots (Lecture Notes in Physics)2008
14169. Teixeira de Sousa B.M. Game Programming All in One (1-er edition)2002
14170. Tejero C. F. Zero-Frequency Elastic Moduli of Uniform Fluids1989
14172. Temporini H. Haase W. Politische Geschichte Vol.1.1974
14173. Tenenbaum G. Introduction to analytic and probabilistic number theory1995
14174. Tennent R. D. Semantics of programming languages1991
14175. Tennyson J. Astronomical Spectroscopy: An Introduction To The Atomic And Molecular Physics Of Astronomical Spectra (Immperial College Press Advanced Physics Texts)2005
14176. Teodorescu A. Death within the Text2019
14177. Teodorescu H. Fukuda T. Systematic Organisation of Information in Fuzzy Systems2003
14179. Teoh K.M. Schooling Diaspora2018
14180. Teraja B. Teraja A. Textbook of Electrical Technology in S.I.Units.Volumt 2: AC and DC Machines.2006
14181. Teraja B. Textbook of Electrical Technology: AC and DC Machines (23rd edition)2006
14182. Tercera Edici´on SISTEMAS DE GESTION DE ´ BASES DE DATOS2007
14183. Terence C. Fogarty Evolutionary Computing. 1994: AISB Workshop, Leeds, U. K., April 11 - 13, 1994. Selected Papers (1 edition)1994
14184. Teresa C. Piliouras Network Design,: Management and Technical Perspectives (2 edition)2004
14185. Teresa Ottoni A vida de MOZART/ Stendhal1991
14186. Teresa Torres-Coronas Mario Arias-Oliva Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in E-hrm (illustrated edition)2008
14187. Teresa Vaz?o Information Networking: Towards Ubiquitous Networking and Services, ICOIN 20072008
14188. Terezinha Nunes David William Carraher Analucia Dias Schliemann Street Mathematics and School Mathematics (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives)1993
14189. Terje Aven Uwe Jensen Stochastic Models in Reliability1998
14190. Terletskii Y. Paradoxes in the theory of relativity1968
14191. Tero Ojanpera Ramjee Prasad Wcdma: Towards Ip Mobility and Mobile Internet (Artech House Universal Personal Communications Series)2001
14192. Terplan K. Electronic bill presentment and payment2003
14193. Terrance W. Klein How Things Are in the World: Metaphysics and Theology in Wittgenstein and Rahner2003
14194. Terrian D. Cancer Cell Signaling: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 218)2003
14195. Terry Caelli Adnan Amin Robert P.W. Duin, Mohamed Kamel, Dick de Ridder Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2002 and SPR 2002, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, August (1 edition)2002
14196. Terry J. Processed Lives: Gender and Technology in Everyday Life1997
14197. Terry Kawashima Itineraries of Power2016
14198. Terry Lawson Topology: A geometric approach (OUP edition)2003
14199. Terry Sullivan Killer Clown Profile: Retrato de um Assassino2022
14200. Terzopoulos D. Barsky B. Artificial Life For Graphics, Animation, Multimedia And Virtual Reality2007
14201. Teunis C. Dorlas Philippe A. Martin Joseph V. Pule Long Cycles in a Perturbed Mean Field Model of a Boson Gas2005
14202. Teves R.P. “No hay ley para nosotros...” Gobierno local, sociedad y conflicto en el altiplano: el caso Ilave2009
14203. Tewari A. Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB® and Simulink®2007
14204. Thévenot-Warelle A. Le Dialecte grec d'Elide : phonetique et phonologie1988
14205. Th. Ruijgrok M. Ruijgrok A Reaction-Diffusion Equation for a Cyclic System with Three Components1996
14206. Thacker E. The Global Genome: Biotechnology, Politics, and Culture (Leonardo Books)2005
14207. Thad Godish Air Quality (3rd edition)1997
14208. Thalassa Skinner Cheese Boards to Share2020
14209. Thalheim B. Demetrovics J. Gerhardt H.-D. MFDBS 91, 3 conf., Mathematical fundamentals of database systems1991
14210. Thalheim B. Libkin L. Semantics in Databases1998

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