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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
13721. Spinardi G. From Polaris to Trident: The Development of US Fleet Ballistic Missile Technology (Cambridge Studies in International Relations)1994
13722. Spink A. Information Behavior: An Evolutionary Instinct2010
13723. Spiridonov O. P. Universal Physical Constants1987
13724. Spiropoulos M. Interview Skills That Win the Job: Simple Techniques for Answering All the Tough Questions2006
13725. Spitzer C.R. Digital Avionics Handbook (2 edition)2000
13726. Spivak M. Calculus (3 edition)1994
13727. Spock B. Dr. Spock's The First Two Years: The Emotional and Physical Needs of Children from Birth to Age Two2001
13728. Sponsler L.A. Women in the Medieval Spanish Epic & Lyric Traditions1975
13729. Sprigge Timothy L. S. The God of Metaphysics2006
13730. Sproat R. Language, Technology, and Society2010
13731. Spyer J. Mídias sociais no Brasil emergente: Como a internet afeta a mobilidade social2018
13732. Squarisi D. Salvador A. A arte de escrever bem2004
13733. Squire W. Integration for Engineers and Scientists1970
13734. Srbulov M. Ground Vibration Engineering: Simplified Analyses with Case Studies and Examples (Geotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering)2010
13735. Sreekrishna V. Comprehensive Biotechnology-I: Cell Biology and Genetics2005
13737. Sridhar S. Hogenboom D. O. Balam A. Willemsen Microwave Experiments on Chaotic Billiards1992
13738. Srinandan Dasmahapatra Rinat Kedem Barry M. McCoy Virasoro Characters from Bethe Equations for the Critical Ferromagnetic Three-State Potts Model1993
13739. Srinivasa Rao K.N. The rotation and Lorentz groups and their representations for physicists1989
13740. Sriram D. Logcher R. Fukuda S. Computer-Aided Cooperative Product Development1991
13741. Srivastava M.K. Srivastava N. STATISTICAL INFERENCE. Testing of Hypotheses2009
13742. Srivastava S. Informatics In Proteomics2005
13743. Sruti Bala The gestures of participatory art2018
13744. St Denis T. BigNum Math. Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic2006
13745. St John D. Poole A. Sims I. Concrete Petrography: A Handbook of Investigative Techniques1998
13746. Staab S. Studer R. Handbook on Ontologies, Second edition (International Handbooks on Information Systems) (2nd edition)2009
13747. Staal J.F. A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians1972
13748. Stacey F.D. Davis P.M. Physics of the Earth (4-th edition)2008
13749. Stadnik Z. M. Physical Properties of Quasicrystals (1st edition)1999
13750. Stagljar I. Yeast Functional Genomics and Proteomics: Methods and Protocols2009
13751. Stahlbock R. Crone S. Lessmann S. Data Mining: Special Issue in Annals of Information Systems2010
13752. Staib G. Dorrhofer A. Rosenthal M. Components and Systems: Modular Construction Design, Structure, New Technologies2008
13753. Stalk G. Evans Ph. Competing on Capabilities: The New Rules of Corporate Strategy1992
13754. Stamova I. M. Stability analysis of impulsive functional differential equations2009
13755. Stan Bumble Computer Simulated Plant Design for Waste Minimization Pollution Prevention (1 edition)2000
13756. Stan Tsai C. Biomacromolecules. Intro to Structure, Function and Informatics (1 edition)2006
13757. Stan Turkel Professional Digital Techniques for Photographing Bar and Bat Mitzvahs2010
13758. Stan Z. Li Zhenan Sun Tieniu Tan Advances in Biometric Person Authentication: International Workshop on Biometric Recognition Systems (1 edition)2005
13759. Stancho Dimiev Kouei Sekigawa Topics in Contemporary Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Complex Structures ... and Infomatics, Bulgaria, 21-26 August2007
13760. Stanislaus Maier-Paape Barbara Stoth Thomas Wanner Spinodal Decomposition for Multicomponent CahnHilliard Systems1999
13761. Stanislav N. Gorb Functional Surfaces in Biology: Little Structures with Big Effects - Volume 1 (1 edition)2009
13762. Stanley Boldurev Physics for biology2008
13763. Stanley Boldurev Physics to biology2008
13764. Stanley B. Prusiner Prion Biology and Diseases (1 edition)1999
13765. Stanley E. Porter Wendy J. Porter Texts and Editions for New Testament Study2010
13766. Stanley J. Kays Stephen F. Nottingham Biology and Chemistry of Jerusalem Artichoke: Helianthus tuberosus L. (1 edition)2007
13767. Stanley N. Caroff Stephan C. Mann Andrew Francis Catatonia: From Psychopathology to Neurobiology (1 edition)2004
13768. Stanley P Cauvain More Baking Problems Solved (Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition) (1 edition)2009
13769. Stanley R.P. Enumerative combinatorics. Volume 1. (Second Edition)2011
13770. Stanton C. J. Mark Nelkin Random-Walk Model for Equilibrium Resistance Fluctuations1984
13771. Stanton J.M. Stam K.R. The Visible Employee: Using Workplace Monitoring and Surveillance to Protect Information Assets-Without Compromising Employee Privacy or Trust2006
13772. Starbird M. Change and Motion: Calculus Made Clear (Part I) (2-е издание edition)2006
13773. Starck J. Murtagh F. Handbook of Astronomical Data Analysisn/a
13774. Stark J.O. Pynchon's Fictions: Thomas Pynchon and the Literature of Information1980
13775. Starkey M. Elaswarapu R. Genomics Protocols (2nd edition)2008
13776. Starrs R. Politics and Religion in Modern Japan. Red Sun, White Lotus2011
13777. Stasheff J. H-Spaces from a Homotopy Point of View (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 161)1970
13778. Stasys Jukna Extremal combinatorics: With applications in computer science (1 edition)2001
13779. Stauffer D. Oliveira S. Oliveira P. Biology, Sociology, Geology by Computational Physicists2006
13780. Stauffer D. Hehl F.W. Winkelmann V. Computer simulation and computer algebra: lectures for beginners1988
13781. Stauffer D. On Forcing Functions in Kauffman's Random Boolean Networks1986
13782. Stavenga D.G. de Grip W.J. Pugh E.N. Molecular Mechanisms in Visual Transduction (1st edition)2000
13783. Stavenga D.G. de Grip W.J. Pugh E.N. Molecular Mechanisms in Visual Transduction (Handbook of Biological Physics, Volume 3)2000
13784. Stavros J.M. Torres C. Cooperrider D. Conversations Worth Having: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement2018
13785. Steckler T. Kalin N. Reul J. Handbook of Stress and the Brain Part 2: Stress: Integrative and Clinical Aspects, Volume 15, Part 2 (Techniques in the Behavioral and Neural Sciences)2005
13786. Steeb R. Examining the Army's Future Warrior: Force-On-Force Simulation of Candidate Technologies2004
13787. Steeb W.-H . Problems in theoretical physics. Advanced problems1990
13788. Steeb W.-H. Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Introductory Level. Volume I1996
13789. Steele J. Thorpe S. Turekian K. Measurement Techniques, Platforms & Sensors: A derivative of the Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences2009
13790. Stefan Krauter Bürgerrecht und Kultteilnahme2004

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