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1681. Beale J. Foster J.C. Posluns J. Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection2003
1682. Beall C. Jaffe R. Concrete and Masonry Databook (1st edition)2003
1683. Beall C. Masonry And Concrete Complete Construction2004
1684. Beall C. Masonry Design and Detailing (5th edition)2004
1685. Beamont R. Reed A. English Electric Canberra (First Edition)1984
1686. Bean J. XML for Data Architects: Designing for Reuse and Integration2003
1687. Beard J.L. Loulakis M.C. Wundram E.C. Design-Build Planning through Development (1st edition)2004
1688. Beards C. Engineering Vibration Analysis with Application to Control Systems1995
1689. Beards C.F. Structural Vibration. Analysis and Damping1996
1690. Beauchamp C. Judd J. Kuo B.F. Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches2001
1691. Beaver K. Hacking for Dummies2004
1692. Beaver K. McClure S. Hacking For Dummies (2nd edition)2006
1693. Bech S. Zacharov N. Perceptual Audio Evaluation - Theory, Method and Application2006
1694. Bechhofer S. Hauswirth M. The Semantic Web Research and Applications: 5th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2008, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain2008
1695. Beck F. Integrated Circuit Failure Analysis: A Guide to Preparation Techniques1988
1696. Beck K. Extreme programming explained1999
1697. Beck K. Andres C. Extreme programming explained: embrace change (second edition)2004
1698. Beck K. Fowler M. Planning Extreme Programming (1st edition)2000
1699. Beck K. Test-driven development by example2002
1700. Beck M. Ethernet in the First Mile2005
1701. Beck M. Bohme H. Dziadzka M. Linux kernel internals (Second Edition)1997
1702. Becker A.A. The Boundary Element Method in Engineering. A complete course1992
1703. Becker P.C. Ollson N.A. Simpson J.R. Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers: Fundamentals and Technology1999
1704. Becker S. Effective Databases For Text And Document Management2003
1705. Beckett S. The science of chocolate (1 edition)2000
1706. Beckwith W. Warner S. Wood R. (eds.) LightWave 3D [8] 1001 Tips & Tricks2004
1707. Bector C.R. Chandra S. Fuzzy Mathematical Programming and Fuzzy Matrix Games2005
1708. Beddoes J. Bibby M. Principles of Metal Manufacturing Processes1999
1709. Bedell C. How to Write Advertising That Sells (Second edition)1952
1710. Bedford A. Fowler W.L. Dynamics: SI Version: Engineering Mechanics (издание SI edition)1996
1711. Bedrouni A. Mittu R. Boukhtouta A. Distributed intelligent systems: a coordination perspective2009
1712. Beebe R. Predictive Maintenance of Pumps Using Condition Monitoring2004
1713. Beeby S.P. Ensel G. Kraft M. MEMS Mechanical Sensors2004
1714. Beekmans G. Linux From Scratch2000
1715. Beekmans G. Linux From Scratch (ver. 4.0 edition)2000
1716. Beeler M. Gosper W. Schroeppel R. HACKMEM1972
1717. Beer Mechanics Of Materials (3-d edition)n/a
1718. Beggs H.D. Gas Production Operations1984
1719. Behen L. Using Pop Culture to Teach Information Literacy: Methods to Engage a New Generation2006
1720. Behnke S. Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation2003
1721. Behringer M. Morrow M.J. MPLS VPN Security2005
1722. Behzad A. Wireless LAN radios: system definition to transistor design2007
1723. Behzad R. RF Microelectronics1997
1724. Beiser L. Unified Optical Scanning Technology2003
1725. Bejtlich R. The Tao of network security monitoring beyond intrusion detection2004
1726. Bekey G.A. Robotics: state of the art and future challenges2008
1727. Belfiore L.A. Transport Phenomena for Chemical Reactor Design2003
1728. Bell A. HVAC Equations, Data and Rules of Thumb (1st edition)2000
1729. Bell A. Two-Stroke Performance Tuning (Second Edition)1999
1730. Bell A.A. HVAC Equations, Data and Rules of Thumb2000
1731. Bell A.A. HVAC Equations, Data, and Rules of Thumb (Second edition)2007
1732. Bell C. Maximum Boost: Designing, Testing, and Installing Turbocharger Systems1997
1733. Bell I. Hall E. Introduction to Computer Graphics1999
1734. Bell J. Lambors J. J2EE Open Source Toolkit: Building an Enterprise Platform with Open Source Tools (Java Open Source Library)2003
1735. Bell K.L. Berrington K.A. Supercomputing, Collision Processes, and Applications1999
1736. Bell S. Wood-Harper T. How to Set Up Information Systems: A Non-specialist's Guide to the Multiview Approach2003
1737. Bella G. Formal Correctness of Security Protocols2007
1738. Bellagio D. Milligan T.J. Software Configuration Management Strategies and IBM Rational ClearCase: A Practical Introduction (2-nd edition)2005
1739. Bellahsène Z.(ed.) Léonard M.(ed.) Advanced Information Systems Engineering 20th International Conference, CAiSE 2008 Montpellier, France, June 16-20, 2008 Proceedings2008
1740. Bellanger M. Adaptive Digital Filters2001
1741. Bellavista P. Corradi A. The Handbook of Mobile Middleware2006
1742. Bellifemine F.L. Greenwood D. Caire G. (Ed) Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE2007
1743. Bellifemine F.L. Caire G. Greenwood D. Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE2007
1744. Bellinaso M. ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution2006
1745. Bellinaso M. Hoffman K. ASP.NET Website Programming, Visual Basic .NET Edition: Problem, Design, Solution2003
1746. Bellinger C. The Glassblowing Bible (1st edition)n/a
1747. Belussi A. (Ed) Catania B. (Ed) Clementini E. (Ed) Spatial Data on the Web: Modeling and Management2007
1748. Bely P. The Design And Construction Of Large Optical Telescopes (1 edition)2003
1749. Belyaev A.K. A basic system of microoperations and its use1972
1750. Bembey P. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Professional Projects2002

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