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Beiser L. — Unified Optical Scanning Technology |
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mode 22
Aberration 24 42 70 82
Aberration, off-axis 77
Acoustooptic scanner see "Scanning devices"
Aerodynamic effect 42
Agile beam steering xii 3 105 128—145 162 see
Airborne line scanning 61 62
Airy disc 21 22 77
Amplitude/intensity functions 19—25
Analogies xii 2 3 19 20 27 87 90—92 130 131
Anamorphic optics 10 112 150—152
Aperture, clear 23
Aperture, Gaussian illuminated 52 53
Aperture, keystone 51—53 68
Aperture, options 68 69
Aperture, overfilled 68 69 74—81
Aperture, round, elliptic 21 22 50 51 68
Aperture, shape factor 22—24 47 50—54 162
Aperture, slit 21
Aperture, square, rectangular 20—22 50 68
Aperture, triangular 51—53 68
Aperture, underfilled 68 69 74—81
Aperture, uniformly illuminated 20—22 50—53
Architecture 3 12—18 108—112 161
Architecture, aperture relaying 111 112
Architecture, double-pass 74 75 109—111
Architecture, lens relationships 112
Architecture, objective scan 4 13 16 17
Architecture, postobjective scan 4 7 15 16 108
Architecture, preobjective scan 4 13—15 108
Architecture, pupil relief distance 8 14 69—73 84 108 155
Ax-blade scanner 66 152
Bandwidth, signal 10 70 162
Bar code 1
Beam divergence 11
Beam expander/compressor 11 121
Beam misplacement 162
Beam misplacement correction 162
Beam misplacement correction, active, passive 149
Beam misplacement correction, anamorphic 150—152
Beam misplacement correction, anamorphic original description 151
Beam misplacement correction, anamorphic quadrature resolution 150
Beam misplacement correction, anamorphic telescopic compression 151
Beam misplacement correction, anamorphic wedge beam 151
Beam misplacement correction, anamorphic zero beam height 151
Beam misplacement correction, Bragg condition 118 119
Beam misplacement correction, Bragg, hologaphic 88—92 149
Beam misplacement correction, complementary phase 152
Beam misplacement correction, double reflection 151—155
Beam misplacement correction, double reflection, butterfly scanner 152 153
Beam misplacement correction, double reflection, open mirror scanners 152 153
Beam misplacement correction, double reflection, pentaprism-mirror scanners 152 153
Beam misplacement correction, double reflection, porro prism (external) 153 154
Beam misplacement correction, fabrication accuracy 149 150
Beam misplacement correction, start-of-scan (S.O.S.) 148
Beam misplacement correction, synchronous pilot beam 148
Beam misplacement, along-scan error 54—56 66 147 148
Beam misplacement, banding 147 148
Beam misplacement, cross-scan error 54—56 66 147—155 164
Beam misplacement, polygon nonuniformities 147
Beam misplacement, shaft precison 148
Beam misplacement, wobble 70 147
Bearing noise 55
Beryllium substrate 93
Bessel function 21
Bow-tie distortion 62
Cathode ray tube (CRT) 27
Chirp deflector see "Scanning devices"
Classification of scanners 63 102
collimation 5 8 32
Compact disk 1
Comparison of scanners see "Scanning devices"
Conjugate image 4—9 see
Convolution function 26 27
Depth of field; of focus see "Scanning quality"
design considerations see "Scanning devices"
Diffraction, Bragg 88 113—115
Diffraction, efficiency 115 143
Diffraction, ghost spots 15
Diffraction, limit 11
Diffractive optics 85 95
Diffractive Optics, blazed grating 139 142—144 163
Diffractive Optics, surface relief grating 114
Diffractive Optics, volume grating 114 115
Duty cycle see "Scanning"
Electromagnetic field, amplitude 19
Electromagnetic field, intensity 19
Electrooptic deflection 124—128 see
Electrooptic materials 126 128 137—139 see
Electrooptic modulation 138 see
Electrooptic phased array 144 see
Error components, angular 54—56 66 see
Error propagation 54—56 162
Etendue 12
F-number of beam 33—36
Fast steering mirror see "Scanning devices" "Oscillatory"
Fiber optic scanner see "Scanning devices"
Field of view 62
fill factor 142 143
Flux density 20
Flux lines 20
Flying spot see "Scanning"
Focal spot see "Point spread function"
Focus quality see "Scanning"
Fourier function 25 133
Frequency, signal 19
Galvanometer see "Scanning devices" "Oscillatory"
Gaussian (intensity) function 22—24
Gaussian (intensity) function, to FWHM relationship 24
Gaussian (intensity) function, value 22 23 108
Gaussian (intensity) function, clear aperture 23
Gaussian (intensity) function, FWHM 23 24
Gaussian (intensity) function, Rayleigh range 32—34
Gaussian (intensity) function, untruncated 24
Gaussian beam, development of 31—34
Gaussian beam, focus characteristics 35—37
Gaussian beam, focus, depth of 36 37
Gaussian beam, propagation 31—34
Gaussian beam, waist 31—33
Ghost image elimination 147 155—159 164
Ghost image elimination, beam offset method 156
Ghost image elimination, beam offset method allows anamorphic correction 156
Ghost image elimination, beam offset method determined at polygon 157 159 164
Ghost image elimination, beam offset method with flat-field lens 157 159
Ghost image elimination, fixed reimaged scatter 147 155 158
Ghost image elimination, skew beam method, anamorphic correction conflict 156 164
Ghost image elimination, skew beam method, incidental scan bow 156
Ghost image elimination, skew beam method, schlieren technique 156
Grating, blazed 133 see
Grating, equation 116 123 132 see
Holographic scanner see "Scanning devices"
Image, conjugates 4—9 83 151 161
Image, derotation 82 83
Image, error reduction see "Invariant rotation" 18 80—82 162
Image, space 5 15 18 83
Impulse response 20
Information, conversion 1
Information, hybrid, parallel, serial xi
Information, reciprocal 1—3 19 83
Information, transfer 1
Input system 8 9
Invariant, Noise (error) reduction 54—56 82
Invariant, Optical 9—11 54 161
Invariant, Resolution 9—12
Kell factor 31
Korpel, A. 115
Kramer, C. 88 89 95—97 99
Lagrange invariant 9—11 54 161
Laser xii 22 137
Laser scanning, definition xii
| Laser scanning, incoherent analysis for MTF 42 43
Laser scanning, tandem 137 138
Lens on axis 16
Lens, field 140—142
Lens, flat field ( , "scan lens") 7 8 14 15 47 56 70—73 150—154
Lens, objective 4 7 15
Lens, pupil relief distance see "Architecture"
Light, coherence 117 118
Light, modulation 84 see
Line spread function 2 see
Meridional plane 10
Mirror, apertured 6
Mirror, partially silvered 6
Mirror, turning 6
Modulation 9 26 39 66 117—119
Modulation transfer function (MTF) 37—45 52 53
Modulation transfer function (MTF), aperture covolution, autocorrelation 40 41 52
Modulation transfer function (MTF), cascaded (tandem) stages 42
Modulation transfer function (MTF), coherent effects 119
Modulation transfer function (MTF), Fourier series 40
Modulation transfer function (MTF), Fourier transform 38—40
Modulation transfer function (MTF), incoherent MTF 42 118
Modulation transfer function (MTF), modulation depth 39
Modulation transfer function (MTF), monotonic decrement, typical 43
Modulation transfer function (MTF), MTF = 0.5 quality descriptor 43
Monogon see "Scanning devices"
Near field, far field 20 23 40
Object space 5 18 83
Optical fill factor 140 143 see "Aperture"
Optical invariant 9—11 see "Aperture"
Optical ray directions 4 5 83 161 see "Aperture"
Optical relay 11 121 137 138 see "Aperture"
Optical scanning, analogy 2
Optical scanning, coherent, incoherent xii
Optical scanning, definition xi 1 2
Optical schlieren method 156 see "Aperture"
Optical throughput 12 see "Aperture"
Optical transfer 9—12 see "Aperture"
Optical truncation, apodizing 52 53 see "Aperture"
Optical vignetting 141 see "Aperture"
Optics, afocal 11 140—142
Optics, anamorphic 10 112 150—152
Optics, binary, binary levels 143
Optics, etching 143
Optics, field lens 140—142
Optics, fill factor 142 143
Optics, nodal center 7
Optics, tandem 10
Optics, telecentric 6 121
Output system 8 9
Oversampling 30 31
Photodetector 6 7 20 83
Point spread function (PSF), Gaussian illuminated aperture 22—24
Point spread function (PSF), intensity nulls 21 22
Point spread function (PSF), point object, delta function 27
Point spread function (PSF), principal lobes 24 25
Point spread function (PSF), scanning, sliding variable 24—28
Point spread function (PSF), stationary function 25
Point spread function (PSF), symmetry of function 25
Point spread function (PSF), uniformly illuminated aperture 20—22
Polarization 6 80 81 96 97
Polygon see "Scanning devices"
Prism bow compensation 97
Prism rotators, Dove 82
Prism rotators, Pechan 82
Programming, electrical 138 145
Programming, positioning 145
Radial symmetry 15 16 18 57—59 75—80 85 87 101
Radial symmetry with tilted optical axis 77—79
Radial symmetry, criteria 58 77
Radial symmetry, definition 58
Radiation, scattered 8 147 155 158
Raster formation 27 28 101
Raster formation in television 27 28
Rayleigh range 32—34
Reading, scanned 19
Reciprocal paths 3
Relay, optical 11 121 137 138
Remote sensing xii 3 8—11 61 62 see
Resolution distinctions, astronomy 45
Resolution distinctions, hard copy 10
Resolution distinctions, photography 10 46
Resolution distinctions, television 10 46
Resolution, optical scanning 9—12 45—62 70 73 105 107 112 116 see
Resolution, optical scanning, acoustooptic 117
Resolution, optical scanning, augmented 48 56—61
Resolution, optical scanning, equations 47 48 57 59 117
Resolution, optical scanning, holographic scanner 60
Resolution, optical scanning, invariant, determined at scanner 9—12 45 48 54 73 161
Resolution, optical scanning, nomogaph 48 49 162
Resolution, optical scanning, phased array 135
Resolution, optical scanning, prismatic polygon 70
Resolution, optical scanning, quadrature components 150
Resolution, optical scanning, remote sensing 61 62
Resonant scanner see "Scanning devices" "Oscillatory"
Retroreflection, retrocollection 4—7 94
Scan magnification 57—61 76 101
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner 113—124 163 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, acoustic absorber 114 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, acoustic phased array 115 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, chirp system see "Chirp deflector" see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, diffraction efficiency 115 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, effect 113 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, materials, acoustooptic 113 114 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, modulation 113 117 see "Modulation"
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, piezoelctric transducer 114 121 214 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, Scophony system see "Scophony process" see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, spectral coverage 113 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, transit time 116 see
Scanning devices, acoustooptic scanner, traveling lens system see "Traveling lens" see
Scanning devices, agile beam steering 3 105 128—145 162
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, analogies, refractive prism 130 131
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, blazed grating, effective 139 140 142 144 163
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, decentered microlens arrays 139—144 162 163
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, decentering methods 140—143
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, dielectric layer array 137
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, diffraction efficiency 132 133 137 140
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, electrooptic cell array 130—134 137
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, field lens 140—142
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, liquid crystal phase retarders 133 137
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, microlens array 140—144
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, mirrored piston array 130 138 139
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, motivation, principal 128
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, origin, microwave-optical 129 132 134
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, output beam angle 134
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, phased array resolution 134—137
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, phased array technology 129—139 162 163
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, PLZT material 138 see
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, spurious components 140 141
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, tandem or cascaded scanners 137 138
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, techniques, principal 129
Scanning devices, agile beam steering, two-lens method 140 141
Scanning devices, chirp deflector 123 124 163
Scanning devices, chirp deflector, diffractive traveling lens 123
Scanning devices, chirp deflector, filled aperture 124
Scanning devices, chirp deflector, lens focal length 123
Scanning devices, chirp deflector, pre-scanned aperture 124
Scanning devices, classification, family tree 63 162
Scanning devices, classification, family tree, inertia, high 63 65—100 103 112 113 162
Scanning devices, classification, family tree, inertia, low 63 64 101 102 112—145 162 163
Scanning devices, classification, family tree, random access, agile 63 113—145
Scanning devices, classification, family tree, rotational, translational 64
Scanning devices, classification, family tree, sawtooth ramp 64 101
Scanning devices, classification, family tree, sinusoidal (harmonic) scan 64 102 103 106
Scanning devices, comparison of major types 164—167
Scanning devices, comparison of major types, agile beam steering 144 145 164
Scanning devices, comparison of major types, alternate techniques 167
Scanning devices, comparison of major types, chart: acoustooptic, electrooptic, galvanometric, holographic, polygonal, resonant 165
Scanning devices, design considerations, polygon 69—85 see "Polygon"
Scanning devices, design considerations, polygon, architectural factors 69—83
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