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Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics
Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics

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Название: Schaums outline of genetics

Автор: Stansfield W.D.


In Genetics, Third Edition, students learn the underlying concepts and applications of genetics. They will also find up-to-date coverage of molecular genetics and the molecular biology of eucaryotic cells and their viruses. Numerous illustrations, 209 problems solved step-by-step, 1,000 additional practice problems, and 433 review questions make key points memorable and prepare readers for all kinds of typical genetics exams.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 453

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Secretor trait      69
Seed development      14
Segmentation genes      401
Segmented genomes      410
Segregation: allelic      10
Segregation: first division      127
Segregation: Mendel's law of      10
Segregation: second division      128
Selection: artificial      222
Selection: counterselection      312 321
Selection: differential      221
Selection: family      223
Selection: heritability estimates      220—222
Selection: index      223 241—242
Selection: mass      222
Selection: natural      222 284
Selection: pedigree      224
Selection: progeny test      224
Selective marker      312
Selective media      303
Self fertilization      24 87
Self fertilization, inbreeding      225—227
Self incompatibility      40 96 102—103
Self pollination      see Self fertilization
Self sterility      see Self incompatibility
Selfish DNA      390 404
Semiconservative DNA replication      280 374—375
Semidominance      26
Semilethals      27 286
Seminiferous tubules      11
Semisterility      195 200
Sendai virus      130
Sense strand of DNA      277
Sequencing DNA      370—374
sequencing methods      370—374
Sex (importance of)      80
Sex cell      see Gamete
Sex chromatin      187 (See also Barr body)
Sex chromosomes      4 80—82
Sex determination mechanisms      80—84
Sex determination mechanisms in bees      82
Sex determination mechanisms in birds      81
Sex determination mechanisms in Bracon      82
Sex determination mechanisms in Drosophila      82
Sex determination mechanisms in Hymenoptera      82
Sex determination mechanisms in mammals      80
Sex determination mechanisms in plants      86—87 95 102
Sex determination mechanisms, complementary sex factors      82
Sex determination mechanisms, genie balance      82
Sex determination mechanisms, haplodiploidy      82
Sex determination mechanisms, heterogametic sex      80
Sex determination mechanisms, homogametic sex      80
Sex determination mechanisms, mating type genes      83—84
Sex determination mechanisms, transformer gene      83 87
Sex determination mechanisms, XO Method      81
Sex determination mechanisms, XY method      80—81
Sex determination mechanisms, ZO and ZW methods      81—82
Sex factors: in bacteria      see F sex factor
Sex factors: in bees      82
Sex hormones      86
Sex index      98
Sex linkage      84—85
Sex linkage, incomplete or partial      85
Sex reversal      86 94 101
Sex-duction      313
Sex-influenced traits      86 252
Sex-limited traits      86
Sexual reproduction      7 (See also Meiosis)
Sexual reproduction, importance of      80
Shear degradation of DNA      355
Sheep: blood groups      264
Sheep: hairy wool      56
Sheep: horns      99 263
Sheep: lethal gray      56
Sheep: Rambouillet breed      264
Sheep: Romney Marsh breed      56
Sheep: twins      172
Sheep: weaning weight      231
Sheep: wool color      39 256
Sheep: wool production      231 234 241
Shepherd's purse (Capsella)      71
Shine-Dalgarno sequence      309
Shotgun cloning      359
Siblings      225
Sibs      225
Sickle cell anemia      283 370
Sigma (population standard deviation)      212
Sigma replication      305
Signal peptide      310 400
Signal sequence      310
Significance (statistical)      162
Silks      see Style
Silkworm      81 125 133 150 151
simplex      190
Single-stranded binding proteins      281 304
Sister chromatids      5
Sister-strand crossing over      198
Site-specific mutagenesis      368—369
Skip generation inheritance      84
Sliding filament hypothesis      6
Snail      see Limnaea
Snapdragon (Antirrhinum)      27
Soluble RNA      see Ribonucleic acid transfer
Somatic cell      4
Somatic cell, hybrids      130
Somatic cell, hypermutation      403
Somatic chromosome doubling      177—178
Somatic chromosome pairing      179
Somatic mutations      286
Sorghum      102
SOS repair      286 329 343
Southern blotting      369
Soybean      40 262
Speciation      250
Species      250
Species, chromosome number      4
Species, polyploid origin      178
Sperm      7
Sperm, nucleus      13
Spermatid      11
Spermatocyte      11
Spermatogenesis      11
Spermatogonia      11
Spermatozoa      11
Spinach      80
Spindle apparatus      3 5—6
Spirochete      302
Spontaneous mutation      285
Sporangium      83
Spores: ascospores      126
Spores: conidia      127
Spores: plant      13—14
Spores: zoospores      83
Sporophyte      14
Squash: fruit color      54 71
Squash: fruit shape      54 73
SSB proteins      281 304
Stahl, F.      374
Staminate flower      80
Standard deviation      212
Standardized variable      223
Start codon      276
Statistic      212
Statistical distributions      159—176
Statistical distributions, binomial      159 210
Statistical distributions, chi-square      162
Statistical distributions, multinomial      160
Statistical distributions, normal (Gaussian)      211
Statistical distributions, Poisson      161
Stem cell      401
Sterility: female      166
Sterility: male      419 422
Sterility: self-incompatibility alleles      40 96 102—103
Sterility: species hybrids      15—16
Sticky ends of DNA      186 359
Stigma      13
Stocks      72
Stop codons      276
strain      24 302
Strawberry      178
Streptococcus      311
Streptomycin      295
Structural gene      288
style      13
Style, pin-thrum      103
Submetacentric chromosome      see Acrocentric chromosome
Subspecies      250
Substrate, enzymatic      273
Subvital mutation      27 286
Supercoiling of DNA      304
Superfemales      98
Supermales      98 189
Suppressor mutation      286
Svedberg unit      308 354
Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)      65 149
Swine: backfat thickness      241
Swine: body weight      236 239 241
Swine: coat colors      55 67—68
Swine: liner size      237
Swine: mule foot      55
Synapsis      8
Synaptonemal complex      9
Syncaryon      130
Syndrome      64
Synergid nuclei      13
Syngeneic strains      412
Synteny      131
Synthetic DNA      360
Synthetic polyribonucleotide chains      289
Tag      365
Tall-aggressive syndrome (XYY)      189
Target sequence      320
Taster of PTC      263 264
Tay — Sachs disease      56
Telocentric chromosome      4
Telomere      393
Telophase: meiotic      9
Telophase: mitotic      6
Temperature-sensitive enzyme      24
Temperature-sensitive mutation      365
Ter system      328 366
Terminal redundancy      328
Terminal repeats      320
Termination factor (protein)      310
Terminator sequences      308
Testcross      30
Testcross, three-point      115 122
Testcross, two-point      114
Testes      7 11
Testis-determining factor      81
Testis-inducing agent      102
Tetrad      8 111
Tetrad analysis      126—130 142—145
Tetrahymena      395
Tetraploidy      177
Tetrasomic      178
Tetratype tetrad      129
Thalassemia      40
Theta replication      305
Thymidine      130
Thymidine, tritiated      356
Thymine      270
Thymine dimers      285
Tissue culture      411
Tissue plasminogen activator      357
TMV (tobacco mosaic virus)      410
Tobacco      4 238
Tobacco, mosaic virus      410
Tomatoes: anthocyanin      53 134 173
Tomatoes: dwarf      52
Tomatoes: fruit color      169
Tomatoes: fruit shape      140 200
Tomatoes: fruit weight      233. 239
Tomatoes: hairy stem      52 134 173
Tomatoes: inflorescence morphology      140
Tomatoes: jointless      134
Tomatoes: leaf shape      53. 263
Tomatoes: locule number      53
Tomatoes: stem color      53 173 263
Topoisomerase      304
Tortoiseshell cat      97 253 260
Totipotency      416
Trailer sequence      306
Trait      1 (See also Phenotype)
Trans position      287
Transcription      275 277 306—309 394—396
Transdetermination      401
Transduction      313 330—331
Transfer RNA (tRNA)      see Ribonucleic acid transfer)
Transformation: bacterial      310—311
Transformation: neoplastic      411
Transformer gene      83 87
Transgressive variation      231
Transition      285
Translation      275 278—279 309—310 396 399—400
Translocase      310
Translocation: chromosomal      180—181
Translocation: in protein synthesis      310
Translocation: Renner complex      181
Translocation: Robertsonian      186—187
Transposable elements      320 394
Transposition      320
Transposon      320 394
Transversion      285
Tricogyne      127
Triplet code      275
Triploid      14 177
Trisomic      178
Tritium      356
Trivalent      178
True breeding      24
Tube nucleus      13
Tubulin      3 6
Tumor      see Cancer
Tumor-suppression factor      413
Turkey      55
Turner syndrome      189 200 202
Twins      172 233 239 421
Ultracentrifuge      354
Ultracentrifuge, density-gradient ultracentrifugation      374
Ultraviolet (UV) light      285 286 292
Unbalanced gametes      177
Unequal crossing over      185
Universal code exceptions      404
Unordered tetrad analysis      129—130
Unreduced gametes      177
Unwinding proteins      281
Uracil      270
Urcaryote      404
UV      see Ultraviolet light
UV endonuclease      286
UV induction      329
Vacuole      2—3
Variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) locus      370
Variable, standardized      223
Variance      213
Variance, component analysis      218
Variance, polygenic estimation from      214
Variation      210
Variation, coefficient of      213
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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